He called the Light Day. Genesis 1:5a
In God's perspective, a day is only justified by its light. That's why, Christ said, we should ask for our daily bread. The bread he was referring to was something deeper than physical food; it is the light (revelation and understanding) that goes with each day.
You can't survive on yesterday's light, today, which is the major reason why most institutions, churches, and organizations lose their relevance with time.
Operating with the light of yesterday in a new day is the major reason behind the decay in several quarters of Christendom.
Jesus wept over Jerusalem because they didn't know the time of their visitation. The light of the world walked through their streets, but their religious blindness made them miss such a glorious era.
I'm weeping for this generation, "And this is the condemnation, that light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil." John 3:19.
I pray you seek the light for this era!
Sometimes, it may require personal consecration to God and thorough mentorship under those entrusted with the light of a given dispensation.
"Religion" hates to hear this kind of truth, but we won't close our mouths nor drop down our pens until the light of the truth sweeps all across this dark world. Help us, God! DrBenard Etta