You learn to become a good Lawyer, Doctor, Scientist, Pilot, Professor, tailor, Pastor, Technician, Artist, etc., don't let anyone fool you to think you can enjoy good relationships in life or marriage without learning about it. You can't "pray and fast" your way into a healthy relationship if you are ignorant of the science and dynamics of relationship building.
Relationship is a universal reality; encompassing both living and nonliving things. The survival of everything in existence is due to some sort of relationship with other things. For instance, living things like plants, animals and microbes and their nonliving component of their environment like air, water and mineral salt, interact in a system and are linked to one another in a kind of relationship. This is known as the ecosystem system. Humans, on the other hand, as social beings, are equally wired and designed to live and function effectively in relationship with others. No single individual can attain his or her full potential in isolation.
Dr.Benard Etta