The battles against your life are not against your success, but more against you using your success for the right purpose. A Failure in life is not someone who is not a non-achiever, but an achiever who is ignorant of the purpose attached to his or her achievements. The world defines success based on what people have and who they are; success is none of the above. Who you are, and what you have are merely raw materials for success. Success is what one ultimately accomplishes by employing and deploying what one has and who one is. Many people are being distracted by what they have and who they are, instead of focusing on what they can accomplish using what God has given them.

There is a purpose attached to everything; doing business with the consciousness of purpose in view is an evidence of wisdom. Don't celebrate "what," at the expense of "why." Dr Benard Etta

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Most people who lament about the state of things in the Church and the deplorable state of the world, seldom give up their comfort and convenience for a cause, which can bring about positive changes in the church and in the world and to me; it isn't only an irony, but hypocrisy of a higher proportion.

If you don't like the way things are, the best way to prove it, is not to talk, but to do something positive, no matter how small it may be as a contribution in the areas you desire change. Be

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Is University and Adversity related? In my opinion, they are related! The relationship between University and Adversity is that both are Universities. Adversity is an independent University in its own rights. In fact, the knowledge and wisdom obtainable in Adversity can't be found anywhere else. Have you been there before? If you haven't, then even if you are a University graduate, in the real sense of graduation, you are still an undergraduate.

What is the difference between a University and A

Not every good idea is relevant; not every good strategy is effective. Not all activities are productive; not all “busyness” is business. Not every preaching is ministry.

One can be very busy, but doing nothing; running, but going nowhere; dancing, when there is no music.

Work is not measured in terms of time invested and energy dispensed, but in the degree of effectiveness and productivity. It's important at times to retreat from excessive activities for careful evaluation of our effectiveness

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A man attended one of my conferences at the Yaoundé Hilton Hotel in 2004, before then, I knew him as a healthy man, but when I saw him, I was surprised by his skinniness. I later learnt that, a medical doctor told him he was HIV positive. This man emaciated so fast because of the report he got from the doctor; he knew he was closer to his grave.

As days went by, he was encouraged by some friends to consult another doctor; guess what! After careful examination, the doctor found him to be HIV neg

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Who is a desperado? 

A desperado means different things to different people. I define a desperado as someone who is ready to do almost anything, even against conscience, just to achieve his or her ambition. Desperadoes want success at all cost; they are careless about the right process of achieving success. They can steal, prostitute themselves, push drugs, tell lies, cheat, commit crimes, stoop lower than expected, etc., just to achieve their ambitions. 

What is wrong with this attitude?

Just e

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And after the sop Satan entered into him. Then said Jesus unto him, That thou doest, do quickly. John 13:27.

The betrayal of Christ by one of his Disciples by name Judas brought Christ to the fulfillment of his ultimate purpose. Judas unconsciously served as a facilitator of the "Easter" experience; he ignorantly aided Christ to do the will of God. That is the mission of every “Judas” in the life of every man/woman of purpose. Judas planted himself among the Disciples of Christ with a hidden age

Most of the "poor people" I've met have a lot of money and some occupy strategic positions in the society. One of the greatest errors of our human civilization is the definition of "rich and poor" (people) based on social and financial status. This error is directly responsible for the situation King Solomon described in Ecclesiastes 10:5-6: 

"There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, as an error which proceedeth from the ruler: Folly is set in great dignity, and the rich sit in low pla

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We have heard about the promise land; how the people of Israel were led by Moses out of Egypt, through the wilderness, to possess their promised land. Some how, you have equally been told about your own promised land. The question is; does the Promised Land really exist? What is it all about? How do we possess our promised land? What misconceptions do exist about the Promised Land?

I will begin by saying that, the Promised Land is a fact, but not like most of us think. That is the reason for our

'm not interested in being told, "I will succeed," for I already know that; tell me about the "How" of success. Teach me the principles and practices of successful living. I am sick and tired of proclamations of what I can become; I need some explanation of the principles and processes involved in achieving the success I desire. That is what this generation is saying to all "smooth tongue" presenters. We hear too many positive proclamations, but little in-depth explanation of how to transform wo

Who are eagles? 

Eagles are those individuals who have stepped higher than others in perspective, character, vision and purpose. They are a rare breed of individuals you can ever meet. Many people admire them for who they are, but few can comprehend the challenges and demands on their path, which gives them the character they see.

 It is not easy to be named among the eagles in any field of strategic importance. The reason is that the path of eagles naturally selects its own. Those who venture o

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Nothing happens by chance, "A body at rest tends to stay at rest, and a body in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted on by an external force," says Isaac Newton. 

Are you expecting miracles in any area of your life? If yes, we pray this brief message inspires you to do the needful.  

When we Do our BEST, God will do the REST! We can't expect God to do his part when we fail to do ours. The scripture says, "Faith by itself if it does not have works, is dead." James 2, verse 17. Did you get

Matthew 6, verse 11.

Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread.


Christ taught his disciples to ask for daily bread, not yesterday's bread. Every era has its provision and dimensions. We are supposed to walk closely with the Lord to unravel the next Big Things in his mind. The Law of every day's Provision is related to the Law of Progress. The advancement of the kingdom of God is only practical if we operate according to the Law of every day's provision in relations to the Law of Progress. 

The Law of p

Helen Keller was physically handicapped yet she traded the titles of blind, deaf and mute given to her as a child, for the titles of scholar, philosopher, author, motion picture actress, traveler, lecturer and winner of countless awards and accolades. Later, she was asked, “What can be more dangerous than physical blindness?” She replied “A blinded mind."

Though Helen Keller was blind, she did not allow her external and physical handicaps to turn her into a liability. This is what shifting from

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Quality service to humanity can give you a title and position, but your title and position are not equal to quality service. This simple truth is misunderstood by thousands. There is a struggle today in our society for positions and titles, which have nothing to do with service. Positions and titles are a means to an end and not an end in themselves. If one has a title and occupies a position, without serving the expectation of his or her position or title, that individual is a great failure. 

For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons. Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live? For they verily for a few days chas
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1) A transformational leader is always ahead of his or her time. What others will only grasp in 2025, a transformational leader will have a mastery of it in 2001 (25 years ahead of his or her time). To lead is to be ahead; you can't lead from behind. 

2) You can't get bored listening to a transformational leader. They are always fresh, and their delivery is always seasoned; characterized by captivating insights, thought-provoking ideas and life transforming truths. 

3) Transformational Leaders

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Matthew 5, verse 8.

Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. 

Brethren, we look using your physical eyes, but the purity of our hearts is what activates our seeing ability. What we look at with our physical eyes is always the surface; it takes a heart quality to see beyond the surface. When we allow hatred, jealousy, prejudice, greed, pride, and other negativities in our hearts, our seeing ability will become dulled.

"God is Spirit," but He speaks to us through his Word and mos
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"For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but because of him who hath subjected the same in hope, Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now." Rom 8:19-22.

The greatest burden in the entire universe is the burd
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Foundation Scripture: John 5, verse 19.

"Very truly, I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does. May the Lord bless his word in our hearts in Jesus name!

Brethren, it is practically impossible to be "important," if we aren't "importers." To be "important" is to "import from above." That was the secret of Christ earthly ministry; He was an "importer", not an impostor.

John 3, verse 31.
The one who

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Wisdom To Turn Trash Into Treasure

The wisdom to turn trash into treasure; to make sense out of nonsense, to transform obstacles into miracles; pain to gain; setbacks into a setup for a comeback is the real measurement of maturity. Sometimes, God may not remove the necessity, but would give you the wisdom to transform it into an invention. When Israel saw Goliath, they saw a problem, but David saw an opportunity for greatness. You can't rise above your perspective and perception of issues. I wish you a blessed week.  DrBenard Etta


Don't Mistake Disgrace For Grace!

When it is too easy, it isn't always a sign of God's grace at work; it may also be an indication that the "object or mission" even though fabulous, might be of little eternal consequences.

The ideas, visions, and dreams, which have actually changed the world positively, and impacted time and eternity didn't come easy. The absence of battles may not necessarily be an indication of a breakthrough. It might as well be an indication that the axe head, representing the "edge of effectiveness" is missing.

Why on earth would Hell fight an idea, vision and movement when it's aware it isn't longer a threat? That's why the devil sponsors some churches and ministries since they don't threaten his overall plan.

The bottom line is, when one is no longer a menace (threat) to Hell, Hell will stop fighting the individual, while concentrating its resources to fight those carrying the most dangerous lights, which can destroy its deceptions. May God help us to think deep in order not to mistake disgrace for grace. Ponder to be a wonder!