Most people who lament about the state of things in the Church and the deplorable state of the world, seldom give up their comfort and convenience for a cause, which can bring about positive changes in the church and in the world and to me; it isn't only an irony, but hypocrisy of a higher proportion.
If you don't like the way things are, the best way to prove it, is not to talk, but to do something positive, no matter how small it may be as a contribution in the areas you desire change. Be a part of a cause or vision bigger than you, with the aim of contributing your quota to the positive changes you dream about in the world. That's what living is about!
You aren't living if all you are trying to do is to survive in this world. You start living when you find your purpose and identify a cause for which you are willing to live or die for, as a divine mandate over your life in addressing or fixing those things that needs to be put in order or changed.
Christ didn't love the fallen state of mankind; as a result, he stepped from heaven to earth, walking away from comfort and convenience to giving his life for us. Today, we plead his blood over our lives as often as we want for protection and others as if it was that easy to shed his blood.
Nelson Mandela didn't like the state of affairs in his country South Africa. As a lawyer then, instead of settling for a life of comfort and convenience, he chose a path of resistance against apartheid, a system of government in then South Africa by which a minority White population rule over a majority Black population of indigenous South Africans with impunity. As a result of his activism, he was jailed for 27 years and later released and trusted with the privilege of leading his nation as the first Black South Africa president.
History has a record of countless individuals who made their lives to count by their sacrifices and contributions in different domains even at the expense of their personal comfort and convenience to deliver what we are enjoying today in all areas of life.
Am I saying comfort and convenience are wrong? No! No! But, most of the time, they stand as obstacles to our higher calling. No one in history and in co temporal times has succeeded in transforming his or her nation or the world in any way without giving up comfort and convenience at certain times. If one is merely striving for personal comfort and convenience in this world, then that makes one a dead, but living corpse.
Most people worship the god of comfort and convenience; they can only participate in a cause or vision as long as it doesn't impinge on their comfort and convenience. Most individuals, organizations, churches and ministries did quite well when things weren't comfortable and convenient, but when comfort and convenience set in, they lose their edge.
You may be asking, which is the best way to live? The best way to live is to live like Christ. I can imagine what some religious folks are thinking right now! I am simply saying, live the life of a revolutionary. Christ was a revolutionary in his approach to living. Live that way and you will see how impact-ful your life will become. I encourage you to study the life of Christ for inspiration on the life of a revolutionary. If you need my help, contact me. DrBenard Etta