GFC e-Library Subscription Page


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Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, welcome to GFC e-Library Subscription Page. The team has created an innovative e-Library for Dr Benard Etta's 70-plus books.

The concept is super. Truth lovers can read Dr Benard Etta's 70-plus books wherever they are on their phones, laptops, Ipads, and computers.

A monthly subscription fee of $20.00 or an annual fee of $200.00 is required to access the e-Library.

It is a transformative opportunity you can't afford to miss. Readers of quality books become great leaders of impact. Let the reading begin.

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Repositioning New Testament Ministers for the 21st Century, 2nd Edition is Available in the GFC e-Library for your reading pleasure. ------------------------------------------------------------ The book will give you more insight into everything that is wrong with today's ministry perspective and how to fix it.

This is the only time in the church's history when someone who represents everything or most of what is wrong with today's ministry perspective will open a Bible school to produce people after his kind, so the circle continues.

The multi-trillion Dollar question is, why aren't the people discerning? 👇👇👇

The answer isn't far-fetched. When people lack the basic foundation of the word of God on the What, Why, How, When, Who, and Where of ministry, anyone that carries a Bible and does a few usual things, then travels around spreading ignorance is automatically a person to look up to.😭😭😭😭😭

As a result, the church world is now in a state of emergency and needs real surgery. However, for too many people, the chaos is a move of God😭😭😭😭

Repositioning New Testament Ministers for the 21st century is a "Jihad" against everything that is wrong with today's ministry. Read it, catch the fire, and join the Holy War as a Warrior.

In the name of Christ, we'll win the war. The real remnant church of Jesus Christ, fire baptized church, will win the war. In God, we trust!

When you start reading it, you will not want to stop until you finish reading it.

Join our worldwide readers today and begin a mind-renewing and life-transformative experience.

Readers of quality books become leaders of impact. Take the first step and Sign Up here! 👉👉👉👉👉👉 


The 3rd Coming of the Church--2nd Edition

Demystifying Purpose--2nd Edition

Missions To Hell- 2nd Edition

Power of Vision- 2nd Edition

Jesus Is Not A Pentecostal, A Protestant, Nor A Catholic-2nd Edition

Power To Change the World--2nd Edition

Joshua's Generation, 2nd Edition, is now available at the GFC e-Library for your reading pleasure.


There are two generations of God's people in every era.

1) Those who have left Egypt ( The Sinfulness of the world) and experience salvation but end up in the wilderness (Fall short of God's divine expectation) despite the miracles they enjoyed.

2) Those who have left Egypt but have refused to make the wilderness their destiny despite the miracles of water from the rock, shoes that didn't get torn, and many other manifestations of God's providence, but they want everything God promised them. They are called Joshua's Generation.

While others are satisfied with just manifestation here and there, the Joshuas want the "promised land" of their era (The fullness of God's prophetic destiny for their lives.

What does it take to be a part of Joshua's Generation?

Find out from the extraordinary classic Joshua's Generation, edition 2. If you aren't satisfied with what others see as the ultimate, that could indicate that you belong to Joshua's Generation.👈

We are in an era when many are camping around petty manifestations of healing, deliverance, prophecies, and others. You can't get them to see beyond that. The generation that dies in the wilderness is like that; they have no appetite for the ultimate. They know only the acts of God, and that's their breakfast, lunch, and supper. They have zero quests to know the ways of God.

At times, they remember what they enjoyed in Egypt and secretly admire their old days (The world of sin they once left). They only worship God loudest when he meets their needs, but when challenges appear, you see their actual colour.

It is time to leave the crowd to lead the crowd. Joshua's Generation is here! You will not want to drop it without reading through it.

Join our e-Library worldwide readers today and begin a mind-renewing and life-transformative experience by reading the book Joshua's Generation and other books written by DrBenard Etta.

Readers of quality books become leaders of impact. Take the first step and Sign Up here. 👇👇👇👇👇

Let the Reading Begin!

The 21st Century Church--2nd Edition

The Mystery of Iniquity Unravelled--2nd Edition

Understanding Salvation-Edition 2

Operation Take Back Your Husband-2nd Edition

Why God Men Suffer? 2nd Edition