The destiny of a seed is a tree if the right factors are in place. Every human being can become relevant to their generation, but the required process necessary to make that happen is what many are unwilling to follow.
Some begin the process but later abort it in their pursuit of the "immediate," while others don't even bother, leaving them as a burden and liability on earth.
The highest burden on mother earth is human beings occupying space and feeding from mother earth but living far below the divine expectation attached to their existence.
You can become a "nation," don't die as a mere notion. You can make a significant global impact, don't retire as a local hero. You can have an enduring legacy, don't live for the immediate.
You can achieve much more than just food on your table, a house to live in, and a car to take you around; life is much more than survival. You weren't sent to the world to be a wanderer but one of the wonders of your times.
"You can walk in glory; you can't afford to live as a story. If you pursue and acquire the right information and formation, your transformation will be inevitable.
Welcome to GFC GFC Intensive And Extensive Multidimensional Mentorship Program With Dr Benard Etta

There is much more about knowing Christ than what many Christians have settled for. Our mission is to inspire and raise a new generation of God's people who are determined to travel farther than where millions of sincere believers have camped. If you are sick and tired of going in circles in your walk with the Lord and sick and tired of your usual experiences, you may be one of those ordained by God to be inspired via this mentorship program.

Christ saw a Disciple and a fisher of men in an ordinary fisherman (Peter), but Peter didn't become a disciple and a fisher of men because Jesus saw that in him. He became (a disciple and a fisher of men) because he turned the vision of Christ about him into his vision for his life and cooperated effectively with his making process.
No one can make another person something the individual does not believe in, perceive and pursues with passion. A mentor can see in you what you don't know about yourself; he may equally inspire you to see what he sees, but your "becoming" is your ultimate decision and determination to cooperate with your making process.
The greatest burden one can ever bear is trying to get someone to a place the individual doesn't see nor is interested in getting there. You can only carry such an individual to a distance, but they will sooner or later become a weight on you. One can only take people as far as they are willing to go.
"If any man lacks wisdom, let him ask."