There is a time in one's life when new relationships, contacts, connections, and friendships become imperative, especially when the old ones have fulfilled their purpose. Not all relationships, connections, and friendships are meant to be in one's life forever, even though few may last forever. The few that last forever are the excepted. Don't expect much from relationships, contacts, connections, and friendships, which have already served their purpose in your life. It is like leaning on a broken staff. "It's no use crying over spilled milk." No matter how much you love certain relationships, contacts, connections, and friendships, it is worth noting that, you can't always keep them forever. So, have the courage to let go and keep the doors open for new ones coming your way.
This is a season of change; God is in the business of bringing new and fresh relationships, contacts, connections, and friendships in the life of his people. New and fresh relationships, contacts, connections, and friendships come with new opportunities, greater value, and appreciation, while relationships, contacts, connections, and friendships, which have longed pastime, literally suffocate, devalue what was once valued, frustrate expectations, and kill inspiration. There are some of you right now in dry places in your life, watch out for new and fresh relationships, contacts, connections, and friendships. Sometimes, you don't have to wait for them to come, but you have to go out there, trusting God guidance to help you build new and fresh relationships, contacts, connections, and friendships.
Those relationships, contacts, connections, and friendships meant to last forever, nature and cherish them, for they are very precious and rare. Losing such relationships, contacts, connections, and friendships may be a blow to your destiny and purpose. Ponder to be a wonder! DrBenard Etta