Relationship is deeper than we have been taught. This mentorship forum is all about redefining relationship. You can be married and still be single; you can be surrounded by acquaintances and yet be very lonely. True relationship is scarce, but available. SIGN UP FOR UNLIMITED ACCESS!


Don't take for granted any opportunity to increase your knowledge and wisdom on the subject of relationship, ignorance is more expensive than knowledge. You can update your understanding of what it really means to be in a relationship and its dynamics.You can also acquire knowledge to serve your generation as a sound relationship mentor or coach. Relationship crises are everywhere. Join our Online School of Relationship and receive rare insight on "relationship" and be equipped to serve as a relationship mentor/ coach. Enroll Today!
Coming Up in January 2017, A One Year "Online School Of Relationship" With Dr. Benard Etta, with Live Dial-In class every Sunday 7:00-8:30 EST. You can participate anywhere in the world by joining the Dial-In classes or by following the recordings.
You learn to become a good Lawyer, Doctor, Scientist, Pilot, Professor, tailor, Pastor, Technician, Artist, etc., don't let anyone fool you to think you can enjoy good relationships in life or marriage without learning about it. You can't "pray and fast" your way into a healthy relationship if you are ignorant of the truth and dynamics of relationship building.
If fasting and prayers were all it takes to enjoy good relationship in marriage, Pentecostals, and charismatic believers would be enjoying the best of relationships. Prayer/Fasting are healthy spiritual exercises, but they can't substitute the knowledge of the truth in a given area.
A Master Degree/ Doctorate in any field doesn’t qualify one for good relationship experience; that’s why some educated people are struggling in their relationships. What you don't know, you can't enjoy.
The “Online School of Relationship” with Dr. Benard Etta, will train relationship coaches, prepare singles for marriage, develop quality parents, and empower marriage couples with wisdom to fulfill their aspirations and purpose, provide insight on how to manage and resolve the conflicts associated with certain marriages and divorce and above all to enable all participants to establish a quality relationship with God.
Those of you who attended Dr. Benard Etta 2013/ 2014 relationship conferences in Silver Spring MD, Chicago Illinois, Dallas Texas, Atlanta Georgia, etc, and were inspired by the quality of insight delivered during the events,this is a greater engagement you can't afford to miss..
The Online School of Relationship Is Going to transform the way people view relationships and marriage and usher the "Simple" into God's ultimate desire for human and divine relationships.
Enrollment starts Now! 

Stop whatever you are doing and listen to this!

Relationship Redefined!

"Relationship" is deeper than we have been taught.The Online School of Relationship is aimed at imparting uncommon insight on the subject of relationship. You can be married and still be single; you can be surrounded by acquaintances and yet be very lonely.True relationship is scarce but available. Below are some questions to ponder on!

-What is the actual meaning of being in a relationship?

-When and where did the concept of relationship originate?

What is the path to finding a true life partner?

-How is a relationship established?

-What are the different types of relationships?

-What is the difference between being married and being in a marriage relationship?

-What are the four universal marriage patterns?

-What does it take for marriage couples to become friends instead of mere partners and what's the difference between marriage partners and friends?

-How does one manage and resolve a marital conflict or a divorce situation?

The goal of this Online School of Relationship is to provide answers to the above questions and much more, and to lay to rest the question of what it actually means to be in a relationship. The passion and vision of this School is to ignite the flame of a relationship revolution in the 21st century. Join this chariot! Enroll Today! 

"Husband and wife are not titles, but offices with functions, which requires the development of those involved for the effective discharge of their duties." The state of our world today is partly due to gross failure at our home fronts. If we lost the battle at our home fronts, we risk losing any other battle in our efforts to rebuild our broken communities, nations and societies. Dr. Etta   



In today's modern age, no other negative attitude is as common in our marketplaces and among acquaintances like pretense.
What is it all about?
It is a charade, sham, make believe, deceit, deception and affectation of who and what you aren't or do not intent to do.
For instance; smiling with someone when actually you are very displeased with the individual.
To say to someone; “I LOVE YOU,” when it is a sham.
It is telling someone, I'll be there for you, when you have no intention of being there for the person. It is saying towards a cause; “count me in,” when you know you have no interest in what is going on.
If pretense was a commodity, it would be trending very high in the stock market.
Pretense is a cancer we all must endeavor to uproot from our lives. It is hurtful, undependable and it breeds distrust.
How do we deal with this social disease?
It is very easy, if we all decide for once to be real! That is, to be one with our expressions. If you are displeased with someone, be real about it. Stop faking smiles, which don't really exist. If you don't love someone, don't pretend about it. If someone's service is not good, tell the individual exactly what you think. Let's be real to one another! Let's stop pretending!
Pretense gives false impression, which may lead to future disappointments. Pretenders are more dangerous than real enemies who portray their wickedness. Don't have any dealings with a pretender; there is no future for such relationship. This is an appeal! Let's refrain from pretense. Let's endeavor to be real! Dr.Etta

Marry your friend; someone who understands you to an extent and not a stranger. Marriage to a complete stranger might be detrimental. Dr.Etta

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You learn to become a good Lawyer, Doctor, Scientist, Pilot, Professor, tailor, Pastor, Technician, Artist, etc., don't let anyone fool you to think you can enjoy good relationships in life or marriage without learning about it. You can't "pray and fast" your way into a healthy relationship if you are ignorant of the science and dynamics of relationship building.

Relationship is a universal reality; encompassing both living and nonliving things. The survival of everything in existence is due to some sort of relationship with other things. For instance, living things like plants, animals and microbes and their nonliving component of their environment like air, water and mineral salt, interact in a system and are linked to one another in a kind of relationship. This is known as the ecosystem system. Humans, on the other hand, as social beings, are equally wired and designed to live and function effectively in relationship with others. No single individual can attain his or her full potential in isolation. 

Dr.Benard Etta


Interested applicants are to pay a monthly fee of $35.00, a total of $420.00 for the entire year. Participants who choose to pay at once will be given a discount of $70.00 off the annual fee =$350.00

Marry for the future both of you can create not for what the present portrays; remember, what is present today will ultimately pass when tomorrow comes. Dr.Etta

A Master Degree/ Doctorate in any field doesn’t qualify one for good relationship experience; that’s why some educated people are struggling in their relationships. What you don't know, you can't enjoy. The Online School of Relationship Is Going to transform the way people view relationships and marriage and usher the "Simple" into God's ultimate desire for human and divine relationships. Enrollment starts Now!