There is a difference between “A SUBJECT” and “THE SUBJECT,” “A MESSAGE” and “THE MESSAGE.”
A SUBJECT or MESSAGE is a part of a whole, which can as well be optional, but THE SUBJECT and THE MESSAGE is the very center of a whole, which holds all other parts together.
A breakdown in the relationship between "man" and His source of existence, the Almighty God; and between man and creation as a whole is the actual meaning of the fall of man. The fall of man was a relationship crisis and the fall of humanity in every generation has relationship breakdown as its cause.
The first "genocide" in history was between two brothers; the murder of Abel by his brother Cain, which was a result of relationship failure.
When Christ was unveiling the true meaning of the Ten Commandments, he summarized it in two dimensions of relationships; "divine relationship" (Loving God) and "human relationship" (Loving one's neighbor as oneself).
What makes heaven the desire of humankind is not the presence of the river of life, streets of gold and tree of life, but the quality relationship existing between the Godhead and everyone and everything in heaven.
Take away the quality of relationship in heaven; no one would want to go there irrespective of the river of life, streets of gold and tree of life, etc. When Christ spoke of "thy kingdom come," he was awakening the realization within us of God's plan to extend heaven to earth. Whenever heaven kisses the earth, it shows in the relationship quality between humans and God and among humankind. It's time we realize the urgent need of relationship building in its entirety.
Dr.Benard Etta
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