
Welcome To Global Faith Coalition Online Community

Global Faith Coalition organizes annual events in different Capitals worldwide, bringing together believers, Christian leaders, and marketplace leaders to share God's heart/mind for the 21st-century Church and fostering partnerships among Christian leaders and marketplace leaders who are passionate about seeing, experiencing, and promoting God's move today.VENUE: GFC 2024-MONROVIA, LIBERIA.

Between 2012-2018, Global Faith Coalition held several empowerment conferences and outreach across the USA in the following cities/States. Atlanta, Georgia; Silver Spring, Maryland; Chicago, Illinois; Gary, Indiana; Dallas, Texas; Oakland, California; Springfield, Virginia; Houston, Texas; Gering, Nebraska; Houston, Irving, Texas; Tulsa, Oklahoma; Marshal, Texas; Shreveport, Louisiana; Salem, Oregon; Portland, Oregon; Battleground Washington.

Global Faith Coalition 2024 World Congress is scheduled for the 28th-30th of August in MONROVIA, LIBERIA. It will be the 7th Edition of the GFC World Congress. The First Edition took place in Benin City, Nigeria, in 2011. 2012, Douala, Cameroon, 2013, Kampala, Uganda, 2015, Dodoma, Tanzania, 2017, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and 2023, Nairobi, Kenya. 

Membership in the Global Faith Coalition Online Community is open to all upon approval. You can also become a member of the Global Faith Coalition to serve as an Ambassador in your country.


GFC 2023 WORLD CONGRESS, Nairobi, Kenya.



 We believe in the building of Christian leaders to build their people.

Dr Benard Etta speaking at Life Church, Shreveport Lousiana, USA

Mentor-ship is a "ship" capable of taking ardent individuals to places and heights in life and in their walk with God that they couldn't have gotten to by themselves. We are passionate about mentoring ten thousand serious-minded individuals in their respective areas of calling and purpose via this platform.

Dr Benard Etta Speaking during a Bridging the Divide word explosion in Houston, Texas, USA.

Global Faith Coalition mentorship program provides an ideal opportunity for individuals to develop mentally, physically, spiritually, and socially and to build the capacity needed for the kingdom engagements of the 21st century in their personal lives, careers, and areas of calling and purpose.


Dr Benard Etta has inspired individuals, audiences, and communities for several decades through his speaking engagements and events. In his own words, "It has been an honor and privilege to contribute to the transition and transformation of several individuals, organizations, and churches by providing timely and relevant information from the word of God. Inspiring, motivating, preparing, activating, challenging and transforming them to move from nothing to something and from mediocrity to relevance via effective mentorship."


Mentorship to Dr Benard Etta is more of a Divine calling in his life, which he carries out with great passion. Thousands of individuals around the world are beneficiaries of his mentoring impact.

You can tap from his wealth of wisdom and knowledge via this mentorship platform for your empowerment and effectiveness to fulfill your purpose." The ultimate aim of this platform is to inspire, motivate, prepare, activate, challenge, and transform individuals into highly effective people in their respective fields and areas of calling and purpose.

Dr Benard Etta in Salem, Oregon, USA, with the Amazing Grace Outreach Ministry Team. 

Free resources, blogs, audio and video messages for the reading and listening pleasure of all members, and exceptional online interaction, exchanges, and mentorship with Dr Benard Etta are available. 

Our mentorship strategy is simple but requires total commitment and discipline. Sign up now!






Dr Benard Etta Speaking on the Forthcoming GFC 2023 WORLD CONGRESS-NAIROBI KENYA

Dr Benard Etta @Marshall, Texas, USA



There is a perception that work and business are secular, non-spiritual activities. This view is held by a high proportion of the worldwide Church. This endemic culture cultivates a misplaced belief that to serve God properly one needs to become a member of the clergy, a missionary, or a similar full-time worker for God. This prevailing attitude is robbing the Church, keeping it materially poor and of little influence in the marketplace of society. It also induces and encourages poverty among the individuals and families in our churches. The passion to change the above dilemma is what inspired Bryan Waters to write this powerful and life changing book. "Business in God." This is a must-read! Grab your copy!

Get a copy of this powerful insightful book written by Bryan Waters by sowing a financial seed of $19.99 or above to support the vision and ministry of Dr.Benard Etta via Global Faith Coalition. The book "Business in God" goes a long way to dispel the myth that ministry is only for a few within the walls of the church, and it presents many scriptural arguments to make the direct connection between business in the marketplace and the kingdom of God. "Business in God" equally challenges the perception of work and business as secular, non-spiritual activities, a perception, which has robbed the church, keeping it materially poor and of little influence in the marketplace of society. Indeed, "Business in God" is a loaded book. I strongly recommend it as a must-read in this season.


You Can Be A Nation Builder. Join us!

Dr Benard Etta Ministering in Houston Texas




Global Faith Coalition is an alliance of kingdom leaders with the mandate to build and equip the body of Christ for the kingdom engagements of the 21st-century. 

Global Faith Coalition Radio

Thoughts On The Resurrection!

-The resurrection of Christ was the "dead of death." Nothing dead is dead since death died on the resurrection morning. 

-The glory of the cross is the resurrection of Christ, and the glory of the resurrection is in the cross. When we tap into the infinite wisdom of God behind the death and resurrection of Christ, we will become "invincible. "


Dr.Benard & Minister Helen Etta                  Visionary Transformational Leaders 

Dr. Madhu Krishan, Honorary Ambassador. Global Faith Coalition

Dr.Noel Perez, United States Global Ambassador, Global Faith Coalition

Dr. Sam Ojukwu,International Missions  Director/ Executive Ambassador, Nigeria, Global Faith Coalition

Sabina Bissem, International Relations Ambassador 

QR Code for JotForm form


Delegates @ GFC 2019 World Congress, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


GFC 2019 World Congress, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


GFC 2019 World Congress, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Delegates @ GFC 2019 World Congress, Dar es Salaam, TanzaniaGFC 2019 World Congress, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

GFC 2019 World Congress, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

GFC 2019 World Congress, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


Delegates @ GFC 2019 World Congress, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

GFC 2019 World Congress, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

GFC 2019 World Congress, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

 GFC 2019 World Congress, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

GFC 2019 World Congress, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

GFC 2019 World Congress, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

 GFC 2019 World Congress, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

GFC 2019 World Congress, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania



Could It Be We Are Experiencing A Famine Of The Word?


The scarcity of the real word of God!

Amos 8, verses 11 to 13.
"Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD: And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the LORD, and shall not find it. In that day shall the fair virgins and young men faint for thirst."

The above prophecy spoken by Amos depicts the state of affairs in many places. People are moving from convention to convention, conference to conference, switching one gospel channel to another, and from one church program to another in search of the word of God. Still, at times, they return without hearing from God despite the many individuals preaching everywhere.

The situation is getting desperate each day, and the urgency to establish a word "Ark (A mentorship platform) rich in the knowledge of the word to meet the need of the time is imperative.

Remember, Noah's ark was available for all, but only eight individuals made the right decision to get in. Animals were even more discerning than humans; they got into the ark in twos, male and female.

The famine is already here, and the "Ark" is ready; we invite those who care for the word heaven is saying to join this chariot.





I am opportunity! I've what it takes to transform ordinary individuals into extraordinary individuals, if only they identify me in my several disguised forms and take full advantage of me. I am in every place, but many people search for me as if I am located only in certain places and not in others. While some people leave the North to search for me in the South, others leave the South to search for me in the North.

I have riches and wealth, but I don't appear in any of these forms; I appear at times as crisis, problems, misfortunes and challenges, and so, even those searching for me see me and run away because of my appearance. This has been my strategy throughout history and in con temporal times.

It takes the eyes of the heart to recognize me when I come. I'll never appear the way I am expected; I continue to exist in ways and forms which demand greater perspective and perception to identify me.

I also bring relationships into the life of people to alter their circumstances in the present and the future, but most times, such relationships are taken for granted and replaced with those having nothing to offer.

Those who are nothing today can be something tomorrow if they can identify me in their crisis, challenges and relationships and take full advantage of me.

I'm opportunity; I live in places, people, situations and circumstances; my mission is to change and empower those who identify me and make full use of me.

Look where you are now, the circumstances and people surrounding you; can you identify me? The ability to identify me is the greatest proof of sight. I'll leave, for now, see you when you see me!

Dr Benard Etta

Get Wisdom & Get Understanding!

Understanding Salvation!

Order Your Copy Of Understanding Salvation

Most Christians live far below their privilege due to ignorance of the full package of salvation. The salvation Jesus brought to humanity is great and loaded with blessings for everyone who believes. In this extraordinary classic on "Understanding salvation," Dr Benard Etta shares profound insight on the full package of salvation to inspire God's people not to settle for less but to go for all Christ's sacrifice on the cross. It is a must-read!


Choir @ GFC 2019 World Congress, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania



GFC 2019 World Congress, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Worshops@ GFC 2019 World Congress, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Delegates @ GFC 2019 World Congress, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Delegates @ GFC 2019 World Congress, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Zambian Delegates @ GFC 2019 World Congress, Dar es Salaam, TanzaniaDelegates @ GFC 2019 World Congress, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Delegates @ GFC 2019 World Congress, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Delegates @ GFC 2019 World Congress, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Delegates @ GFC 2019 World Congress, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Delegates @ GFC 2019 World Congress, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Delegates @ GFC 2019 World Congress, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Delegates @ GFC 2019 World Congress, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Delegates @ GFC 2019 World Congress, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Delegates @ GFC 2019 World Congress, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Well Done!

Welcome To The Global Faith Coalition Online Community. To contact GFC, send correspondence to any of the following addresses. Global Faith Coalition Global Faith Coalition Team 3400 A. Denton Hwy, Haltom City. 76117 Texas, USA, Tel: +1) (240) 356-3010