50 Days Of Awakening!
Genesis 26:18
"And Isaac dug again the wells of water, which they had dug in the days of Abraham, his father; for the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham: and he called their names after the names by which his father had called them."
Brethren, just as Isaac dug the wells of Abraham, GFC 24/7 One-Stop Radio will begin a 50 days Awakening for all and sundry as from November 10th to the 31st of December as we "DIG" the wells of the history of the church. During these 50 days, we will be featuring the teachings of the pioneers of the past four centuries. It is going to be a spiritual journey that can't leave anyone the same.
Expect to encounter God uniquely as we explore the gold mines of the past moves of God and those God used in extraordinary ways. You will be mightily inspired by THE REFORMERS, revivalists, and Apostolic leaders of the last centuries.
It would be best if you don't miss this life-transforming encounter for anything. The schedule is for every top of the hour as from November 10th, 24/7 for 50 days! You can't go through these 50 days encounter and be ordinary in 2021.
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A tree without roots will wither sooner or later.
The Christianity we see today with its superficiality and lack of real depth is as a result of the disconnect of today's church from the history of what she represents. A tree only grows from its roots.
As we dig the wells of Abraham ( Pioneers of faith in church history), we will be inspired by their consecration to the Lord and find the secret of their life and impact in preparation for the next decade 2021 to 2030.
The program will also permit us to discover those timeless principles of the kingdom, which our present "Churchianity" has departed from leading to the mess we see today.
50 Days of spiritual awakening and baptism of fire! The warm-up has already started! At the top of every hour, 24/7, 50 Days of digging the wells of Abraham (Church history and Pioneers of faith). It is a move of God! Don't miss it!