The greatest worry of any nation or kingdom is to be devoid of soldiers in a time of warfare. It is the same with God's kingdom! When we have millions of Christians today, who go to church every Sunday, but are totally unconscious of the war raging against their own very souls and God's kingdom advancement on earth, and what they are supposed to do, it is a worrying situation. What used is a mob of civilians when a nation is under-attack? The only people strong enough to defend a nation's territorial integrity, national security and protect the interest of a nation is the nation's military. Politicians can debate in their beautiful chambers, but those who bear the crux are the soldiers. Needed! Needed! Needed! Needed! God's kingdom Soldiers!
Are soldiers born?
No one was born a soldier; soldiers are ordinary people who were transformed and empowered to serve their nations via the information and training they received. Even the weakest Christian can be transformed into a formidable soldier of God's kingdom, if he or she is given the right information and training, under the tutelage of a veteran soldier in God's army. This was supposed to be the ongoing duty of every church; transforming ordinary saints into soldiers of Christ. But it is unfortunate this isn't the concern of most churches whose singular aim is to increase their numbers just to make money, acquire wealth and properties. Thus, the kingdom of God seems to be populated, but facing a serious crisis of limited soldiers.
How Do We Turn This Around?
It is simple! We simply have to change the way we view our local churches. Instead of viewing them as religious and social communities, we should start seeing them as boot-camps to transform ordinary believers into well-informed and trained soldiers of Christ. This is the way forward for the church. God is "sick and tired" of Christians, ministers and churches, which are mere liabilities in this hour of unprecedented warfare.
What Happens In A Boot-Camp?
In a boot-camp, an individual is gradually introduced to the ethics and core values of what it means to be a soldier. Some of these values include:
-Duty Consciousness
-Personal Courage
-Living a life of sacrifice, etc.
How many people in our churches really understand the need of living the above values? That's the reason we have the kind of unruly Christians we find in our churches today. When the above values are inculcated into a people, from then on they can live them every day wherever they go. This is basic when preparing people for combat whether in a secular army or the army of Christ. Principles are universal! For more information! Read my book titled "Dynamics of the Military Life."
If you would like your organization or ministry to be revolutionized, you can invite me for a Basic Combat training workshop for your leaders/ workers. You would have an anemic organization, ministry or church if your people are operating with a civilian mentality. Get in touch! Have a blessed week!DrBenard Etta