We should not ignore the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine. It has the potential to transform the world we know into Something else. Let's read the handwriting on the wall and do the needful.
Most of us are pondering if the war between Russia and Ukraine may result in a Nuclear exchange between Russia and NATO. Yes, it seems more likely than when the war started.
We sometimes dismiss the thought of a nuclear war or others because we believe our prayers can prevent them. Yes, prayers can change things, but not everything. Ukrainians prayed and believed that the war would not occur, but it is ongoing and has lasted for several months.
Let me share a few reasons from a kingdom perspective.
1) A world that has turned its back on God can't enjoy absolute peace and stability. That is why Christ admonished us not to lay our treasures on earth. Matthew 6:19–20
Do you think people care despite the above word of wisdom from Christ? If most believers who read the Bible don't care much about its instruction these days, what of worldly people?
2) The second reason why sometimes, despite our prayers, such evils still occur is that we often pray for peace and safety to keep chasing our goals and not the purpose of God. Especially in today's world, most of God's people only give Him lips service. They seek God when they want his protection and other breakthroughs but are careless about His agenda, talkless of positioning themselves as partners with God to actualise His plans on earth. That is why we pray at times without prevailing.
Before the war, Ukraine had more churches and believers than any European country. The question is, did they bother to go all over Europe to spread the word? Well, now they are doing just that because the war has forced them to flee from their comfort zones.
It is sad but true that most people only think about God when their comfort, life and others are at stake.
What the people of Ukraine spent their lifetime building is now turned into rubbles. Once thriving cities and tourist destinations are now ghost towns.
When we watch the images from Ukraine, do we learn anything?
Today, it is Russia and Ukraine; who knows where next? What if the present war spiral into a third world war?
We aren't talking about the bombs used against Hiroshima and Nagasaki (Japan) by the United States army during the Second World War but bombs capable of wiping out half of the world's population.
At times I feel like Abraham when he was interceding for Sodom, hoping that the Lord would find ten righteous men but sadly, there weren't. Sodom's people were obsessed with sexual pleasure and experiments like today.
If the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine doesn't graduate into a nuclear exchange, then that means God, in His infinite mercy, gave humanity a bit more time. However, if God was to consider the state of the world and the church, the apocalypse would be here! We pray for His mercy!
Put yourself in God's shoes, and you will sense the pain of his betrayal after sending his only son to die for humanity; still, people have deliberately turned their backs on Him. Worst still, his people have abandoned his ways and are prostituting themselves with all forms of worldly vanities and idols.
Brethren, let's hope for the best, but while doing so, we should proactively engage in learning how to live in the world during a third world war between the world's nuclear powers!
Hosea 10:12
Sow for yourselves righteousness; Reap in mercy; Break up your fallow ground, For it is time to seek the LORD, Till He comes and rains righteousness on you.
Dr Benard Etta, GFC Visionary