The spirit of religion is the real "wahala" on earth today, not Satan as most people presume. The forces of darkness employ religion in carrying out their heinous plans and agenda more than they use demons. To move a people forward, you have to liberate them from the spirit of religion.The reason the spirit of religion is so dangerous is that it always appears as an exponent of God's kingdom, but actually, it is an opponent of it. It wasn't the devil that crucified Christ, nor persecuted the early church, but the spirit of religion.
What is the spirit of religion?
The spirit of religion constitutes all the "things" we do in God's name, but not based on truth and far from what bothers God's heart. The spirit of religion builds churches, ordained ministers, organize gospel crusades and conferences, baptize people, and do many things in God's name as long as the truth is not part of the agenda.
For instance, the spirit of religion may say, "let's come together and pray for revival," I still dey laugh! However, when the truth about revival is presented, it opposes it. "Let's train ministers," but when the truth about training and ordaining ministers according to the truth is revealed, it opposes it. The spirit of religion loves church activities, in fact, it sponsors them as long as the truth is not part of the agenda.
Why do you think some ministers of God face real opposition while others are literally unopposed?
Listen! It isn't a matter of anointing or grace, but of truth. Those with the truth are targets anywhere not those with money, fame or whatever.
Christ said to those who believed in him, " Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:31-32.
Get this, in the above biblical text; Christ wasn't speaking to some unbelievers, but to Jews who already believed in him. He was pointing them to what really matters. Why? The reason is that merely believing in Christ does not set anyone free. You don't have to look far, just look at most Christian nations you know or the multitudes sitting in most churches, are they free? Do you know why they are not free? Most of them are being protected from the truth. 90% of people within churches and denominations are ignorant of the truth. Some of their "leaders" spiritually are like prison wardens employed by the spirit of religion to keep them in religious cells of spiritual ignorance.
When you are a carrier of the truth, such religious Synagogues will have nothing to do with you because they are scared of an upset in their private detention camps.The devil is a liar; we will fight and resist them with the truth until most of their captives are free.
The spirit of religion is not against people believing in Jesus, in fact, it patronizes that, but its greatest battle is to prevent them from knowing the truth because that is what brings freedom. Some of you may be sincerely mistaken in your religious zeal, which may be void of true knowledge. Such religious zeal empowers the spirit of religion. Some of you sow into the spirit of religion unconsciously, but the last thing you would do is to transfer the same commitment to support the cause of truth. Do you know why? The forces of darkness know that as long as millions of good people ignorantly support and propagate blind religion, humanity will remain in bondage.
The United States of America, Nigeria, South Africa, India, etc are presently overburdened by the spirit of religion, but God is raising a generation of Christ revolutionaries to liberate the nations from the spirit of religion and their greatest weapon is the truth. Would you join this revolution? If interested, in box me! DrBenard Etta