But Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah, and the mighty men, and Solomon his brother, he called not. 1Kings 1:10.
When you are not the cheap type, who can be bought over to patronize a lie, don't expect the "Adonijahs" to invite you to their manmade, ambitious and self-promoted coronations and so-called church/ministerial schemes.
I encourage every inquisitive reader to read and meditate on the full account of the above "drama" in 1Kings 1: 1-9. The whole "drama" began when Adonijah the son of King David, declared his ambition to be king, at a time when the nation of Israel was in dire need for a new leader since David was old and stricken in years.
In those days, Israel wasn't a democracy, but a theocracy. God was their king and he chooses whom he pleases to represent him. He gave them Saul when the people demanded a king from Samuel and when Saul left the path of righteous, God raised David, a man after his heart. So, Adonijah declaring himself king wasn't accordance to the order by which God gives kings to Israel. Moreover, the Lord has already revealed to King David whom his successor will be, and that was Solomon.
However, like all ambitious individuals, Adonijah wanted to be king so badly that he launched a political campaign to get what he wanted. Since he had enough cash to spend, people followed him and he invited some "compromisers" among David's men, but the scripture says, But Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah, and the mighty men, and Solomon his brother, he called not. The question is why?
The answer to the above question is revealing and it sheds light on the drama going on in the church today. The church today is full of Adonijahs, I mean ambitious individuals who want just every religious title they can lay hands on. From "Chief Apostle" to "Bishop," to "Arch Bishop" and to "Cardinal,"etc. We may soon be having several pentecostal "Popes." I dey Laugh!
We thank God for the few genuine Apostles, Bishops, and Arch Bishops we have in the body of Christ, but the fact is, several individuals clamoring for these titles are mere "Adonijahs." God hasn't a file for them yet, but they are ready to spend money, cajole people and even willing to pay some reputable personalities with an appetite for cash, to support their schemes.
They have the money to invite whosoever they please for their "ordinations" and man-made coronations, but the truth is, the only invite those they know are "sellout," people with no integrity who like them, can support them. Did you hear that? They don't invite individuals like prophet Nathan, and Benaiah, and the mighty men of David because these men were close to the king and so, they knew whom the Lord has revealed to succeed King David.
Do we still have such people today? Men of the likes of Samuel who would refuse to anoint those God has not chosen at the determent of the ones God has chosen?
Adonijah didn't invite those he knew can't easily be bought over to patronize a lie. Individuals who knew the truth and can't support error. The rot in several quarters of Christendom is due to a deficiency of such people. It seems every holy office and function is available today to the highest bidders. It seems if you can pay, you can become anything overnight. May God have mercy on us!
Listen! If you are always a guest in most ecclesiastical gatherings in your community, city, nation and beyond, it may not be because of your kingdom insight, status, and fatherliness, but because you are known as someone who has no stand and patronizes everything as long as cash, food, and others are present.
The Adonijahs have no mandate from heaven but are imitators of the ministries of the anointed. They are spiritual "pirates," they copy patterns and messages from those God has mandated and claim that God gave them the revelations. Adonijahs are experts in self-promotion. They know how to get weak people on their side; they sometimes deceive even the elects who are not discerning to endorse them. Imagine if Adonijah succeeded in his scheme, he would have robbed Israel of a golden era of wisdom ordained to be ushered by Solomon. It is tragic when the wrong people occupy the right places. May God save us all! Watch out for part 2!DrBenard Etta