There is "mafia" in virtually every sphere of strategic importance today. There is mafia in business, sports, politics, education, church, and even mafia groups associated to nations. For instance, Italian mafia, American mafia, Mexican mafia, etc.
What is mafia? The word “mafia” may mean different things to different people, but the underline characteristics of a mafia activity or group is to make as much money and wealth as possible through wrong means. Often, money made via mafia activities or by mafia groups are lavishly and extravagantly spent than invested in making positive changes in people's lives and in the broader world.
Why do people carryout mafia activities or become members of mafia gangs? People become members of mafia gangs or partake in mafia activities due to their quest to make quick money and wealth for self-aggrandizement. In fact, every mafia activity is ego centered not human nor God centered.
What fuels the mafias? The present system of the world fuels mafia activities since it defines success on financial and material attainment, instead of one's accomplishment of purpose and positive impact on humanity. This state of affairs has made some people crazy about making money the wrong way for the wrong reasons.
Why has the church not made as much impact as expected in curbing mafia activities in the world? The reason is simple; "Satan can't cast out Satan." The church in some quarters has been hijacked by individuals operating mafia gangs and carrying out mafia activities under the titles of pastor, evangelist, prophet, Apostle and Bishops through the instrumentality of church and ministries. Recently, these individuals have learned their trade very well and have established effective networks locally, nationally and globally. They sometime carry out exchanges among themselves as a way of strengthening their activities. They made sure no one gets into their clique except fully initiated into their criminal activities.
These mafia gangs of individuals occupying leadership positions in Christendom is the reason in some quarters the church is not being listened to. At times, even when God raises genuine men and women to liberate their nations, they are mistaken for these mafias.Some nations and communities have ignorantly shut their doors to genuine men and women of God because of past encounters and experiences with the mafias operating under different church banners.
I've come across people who think; pretending church mafias don't exist is a way of undermining their activities. And, also, keeping silent about their activities is like doing some sort of good to the image of the church. This is exactly what the mafias would really want us to do. They would be excited if we are quiet about their activities and to believe we all are serving the same God and striving for the same thing. They know, if we begin to expose their activities, we would open the eyes of the millions of people blindly following them.
The move of God millions of God's people around the world are praying for can't come unless we have the courage of Elijah to confront the "mafias" (the prophets of Baal). As long as we allow them to operate freely, they will continue to mislead God's people. Elijah the prophet knew about this; that's why, he confronted the prophets of Baal in his days in order to turn the hearts of the people of Israel back to God. This is going to be a part of the mandate of those being unleashed by heaven into the cities and nations of the world in this hour. "The stakes are high, but God is higher than the stakes." If you have a problem with this message, you may be either a suspect or an accomplice of the church mafias. The Church mafias should brace up for a real confrontation in this era. God's Elijahs are here! Watch out for them! DrBenard Etta