Uncle Methuselah lived for 969 years as the Bible says, but his entire life's biography was summarized in two Bible verses, and his only achievement was that he begat sons and daughters. Gen 5:26-27. Very shocking! 969 years, Hmmmmmmm
Uncle Methuselah nearly lived for a whole millennium but did nothing of significance except that he begat sons and daughters. I'm still trying to recover from the shock, 969 years, with nothing exceptional to write about! May that not be your story in Jesus name!
You see, there are millions of people whose lives are heading towards the same summary like that of Uncle Methuselah. It is painful when they are sitting in our congregations with nothing stirring them from inside. No vision, No drive for accomplishments, retired, retarded, complacent, passive, nonchalant, satisfied over nothing, busybodies, etc. Apart from the sons and daughters they have participated in their natural birth, there is nothing serious that can be written about them. Really, really pathetic! If that's how your life is, may God Almighty awaken the giant in you today because you were born for such a time as this for something bigger than being a factory for child production.
The world already has seven billion people for God's sake, another child is okay, but it isn't a significant achievement since it is no news because it is not new.
No human being was born to merely survive, live and died with nothing impactful to be remembered. People end their lives like Methuselah not because of their family backgrounds or nationality, but for lack of vision. Every human being is a potential community, national and global mover and shaker, but when an individual lacks the vision of the length, breadth, height, and depth of the impact his/her life can make, the destination of Uncle Methuselah is inevitable.
The worth of an individual's life is not measured by the person's lifespan, but by his/her impact span. Who would give me the years of Uncle Methuselah? My God, 969 years!
The question is not "How long have you lived," but "How much have you lived." We don't need anymore Methuselahs. The one in the Bible is enough! It is time to realize that you were given a life to make something exceptional with it, don't waste away. The time God has given to each of us is a currency, invest it and bring out results, which will count both in time and eternity.
Stop reminding people of how long you have lived, start telling them of how much you have lived. Have a blessed week! DrBenard Etta