There is a remnant of God's people in every nation who have refused to bow to the Baal of this modern age. Search for them in your city and country and be a part of the coalition of the willing to liberate your city and nation. It is of no good to the kingdom if you are against false profits or prophets, and yet not supporting those you believe are genuine. Where do you really stand? You can't just be ranting on Social Media! The war against the faith, which was once delivered to the saints is real, and if you are on God's side, you can't stand idly by. The kingdom of God is not advanced by observation, but involvement and partnership. Get involved somewhere; don't live in the land called nowhere!
Statements on Social Media should be back by real "on the ground operation," If you don't like what is going on, look for those in your city and nation with same passion and vision, and work within that coalition to make a difference. We can't win this war if we lack practical strategy. Ponder!