The church goes as the ministers go. The Repositioning of the church is linked to the Repositioning of Ministers and Ministries. We have drifted, and the effects are evident in the state of the Body of Christ and our nations. God is not glorified when we function out of his Order. It is better to pause and get back into alignment with God's order than to be busy with Out of Order ministry activities.
👉Praying in anticipation of a Move of God in our cities and nations when operating out of God's Order for New Testament Ministry is "Ignorance On 🔥Fire."
👉We are fascinated by Elijah, whose prayers brought down fire, but we sometimes ignore the steps he took. 👉(He repaired the altar of the Lord and used stones, not mud, to rebuild it. 1Kgs 18:30-32. If we want the fire of God in our cities and nations, we must repair the torn altars. E.g.,👉 The altar of Righteousness.
👉You aren't a father because you have children. Anyone can have children, but not everyone is a father. ’Fathers are made.’ Gen 17:5. Fatherhood is a capacity to guide, train, mentor and inspire the next generation via exemplary character & Wisdom.
👉Philippians 2:5-11 unveils the Christ mindset and Lifestyle we all need. The quest for Celebrity Status is incompatible with the call to serve the Lord as His Ambassadors. We must return to the place of humility to walk in true spiritual authority. The men and women who turned the world of their time upside right for Christ died to most of the things we strive for today. #Repositioning
👉It is possible to build a church house, gather people under its roof, travel locally and internationally in the guise of preaching the gospel and not be recognised by God as His Ambassador ( minister). Matt 7:22. Ministry is God working through a man or woman He called, Prepared, Equipped and Sent to carry out the will of God on earth as it is in heaven. It is a selfless work only possible by dying and denying self daily and carrying our cross as we follow in the footsteps of our Master, Jesus Christ. It is such a minister and ministry that hell dreads. Phil 2: 5-11. #Repositioning
👉Those called, prepared, equipped and sent by God aren't looking for the front seat or a place in the Sanhedrin. Why? They are crucified with Christ; the life they live in the body is to please God, not to play to the gallery for fame and worldly vanities. To them, it is all about doing the will of God with the desire to hear the Lord say on the final day, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant." That's it!
👉A valley of dry bones needs someone under God's command with the Word and Spirit to raise an army for the Lord. Dry bones can become a great Army by the Word and Spirit of God, not through the hype of arranged miracles and prophecies.
👉When dry bones in an open valley are told to pay money to stand in the prayer line of a purported preacher or see the minister and buy so-called anointed (water, oil)for miracles, it is an affront to the gospel of Christ. Can these bones live?
👉Can These Bones Live? Yes, but the need has not changed. It takes Selfless men and women of God, who aren't mere pulpit performers, attention and fame seekers, but individuals whose passion is the glory of God. This generation needs more of such.
👉Christ gave to the church (The body of Christ), Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Teachers and Pastors, not to your local church or denomination. Your local church is just an atom in the body of Christ. That is why you can't be everything God has ordained if you don't stretch your roots beyond your four walls to tap spiritual nutrients from the fivefold ministry gifts in the body of Christ. Establish a relationship with Christ, the head of the church, and He will reveal his body to you. The reason is that not everyone who professes to be a believer or preacher is a member of the body of Christ. Matthew 7:21.
👉God does not send anyone merely because of His calling on their life; He calls, prepares, equips and sends. That is the order! Many have aborted their purpose by sending themselves when God hasn't prepared (Trained) and equipped them for their assignment. Adequate preparation will result in precision and clarity in executing or implementing an assignment. Christ invested 18 years in preparation for a 3 1/2 years assignment. Today, the reverse is true. We want to invest 3 1/2 years for a 30 years assignment. How is that possible?
👉You were either sent, or you just went. There may be 100 individuals in a city operating as General Overseers of churches, but among them, they may be just three sent by God. That is the crisis our modern Pentecostalism has created that needs to be corrected. Churches in every street corner may not be a sign of revival but disorder, which may delay or hinder true spiritual awakening in a nation. When hands want to become feet and ears, heart, you shouldn't expect revival but ruin.
👉"Repositioning New Testament Ministers And Ministries" is the Course Of the 2022 GFC Int'l Online School of Ministry.
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Dr Etta