Foundation Scripture: 3 John 1: 9
I wrote to the church, but Diotrephes, who loves to have the preeminence among them, does not receive us.
Brethren, everywhere you go to within the church world, you will often meet people who are interested in what God is saying to the church. If you are one of such individuals, then brace up for what you are about to hear. I firmly believe that one of those things Christ is saying today to all leaders of churches, denominations and ministries is to give back His church!
The real head of the church is Christ, not an Apostle, Prophet, Pastor, Teacher, and Bishop. Those serving as ministers of God within the body of Christ were to carry out their ministry in total submission to Christ, who is the head of the church.
Colossians 1: 18
And He is the head of the body, the church; He is the beginning and firstborn from among the dead, so that in all things He may have the preeminence.
Sadly, in most quarters of the church world, we still have a situation where some leaders of the church have become more powerful than Christ, who is the head of the church. It is not a new phenomenon; Paul wrote about it in our foundation text.
3 John 1:9.
I wrote to the church, but Diotrephes, who loves to have the preeminence among them, does not receive us.
When individuals occupying positions in the church become 'too powerful than Christ in the way they function, they will deny access to anyone, including Christ. I can relate to what John, the Apostle, is saying because of my own experience in the field. Diotrephes leaders are widespread within the body of Christ. They run the show and lead without any discernment. If not for 'the Diotrephes,' the edification of the body of Christ could have reached its zenith.
I remember in the early 80s-90s, when those in leadership were quick to discern someone Christ sends their way, even strangers, with a message for God's people. If you had a word from the Lord, then, you would be allowed to share with the brethren. If a man or woman of God comes to a city even without money, but with the pure word of God, church leaders will come together to hear what they have for the people of God. That was the practice in the 80s and 90s but gone today in so many places with very few exceptions.
To organize a nondenominational program with churches in most cities today, you have to be sharing money to Pastors as you go, and even after collecting the money, you may not see them during the program, talkless of allowing their people attend.
Christ has his remnant people, but a majority of what we see as churches today are running independently from Christ, the head of the church. It doesn't matter what word God has for his people; most Churches will never let anyone in, not for fear of the unknown, but greed, selfishness, and protectionism.
Some Church leaders will ask you how much money you have to share with them to open channels for you in their city. Some will go as far as telling you what you must put in their hands before they call for any meeting with other ministers.
What most people sitting under ministries and denominational roofs don't know is that some of their leaders have made themselves "more powerful" than Christ. God has been speaking, and sending men and women at different times with messages to the Churches, but the "Diotrephes" Pastors, Bishops, Arch-Bishops, Apostles, Prophets won't let Christ in nor those He is sending.
In Revelation 3, verse 20, Christ, the head of the church, 'was kept outside his Church by these "powerful Cartel.' "Behold, I stand at the door and knock." Today, the church is ridiculed on several public platforms. Instead of getting angry, let's get back into alignment with God's purpose for the church, and the Lord will take over the battles against his church.
We just came through the Covid-19 lockdown season in several nations. Things are gradually getting back to normal because of the prayers of the remnant church of Jesus Christ. However, if the churches continue without repentance, we will likely get back to something maybe worst. You can take it to the bank!
Christ is saying to all leaders of ministries, churches, and denominations, "Give Back My Church!" That is the main thing He is asking us to do this season. May the Lord give us the grace to do the needful in Jesus name! Ponder and Stay blessed!
Dr Benard Etta
GFC Visionary