There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink. John 4:7.
Could it be that Jesus wasn't really thirsty, but was simply giving the woman of Samaria an opportunity of her lifetime to step up higher than she ever attempted, and to shift from the natural to something more profound and supernatural. What a blessing for the one who created all things including water to ask water from a mortal human being.
God is not a consumer, but a multiplier; when you give him your attention, he will give you direction. When you give him something natural, he will give you something supernatural. When you give him your life, he will give you vision and purpose for your life.
When God demands anything from a mortal human being, it isn't because he somehow depends on us; instead, he is giving us opportunity to tap into something bigger than what we have settled for. The conversation Christ had with the woman of Samaria, which began with a simple request for water became a turning point for the entire city of Samaria.
When Christ asked Peter to follow him more than 2000 years ago; nothing could have suggested that, Peter's simple obedience will make him a highly celebrated individual until date. Today, millions of Catholics regard the Pope as Peter's successor and a Basilica has been built in his name in Rome, known as Saint Peter's Basilica. How many fishermen who lived in the time of Peter, have such legacy? Peter gave his lifetime for the cause of Christ and in return, Christ multiplied it and gave him a place in time and in eternity higher than the place most kings in history and in con temporal times occupied.
What is God asking you to do, and you are thinking he is trying to deprive you of something? Listen! God doesn't need us to survive; he existed before we came into existence. He isn't trying to deprive you of your time, money, material things, etc,. If he demands anything from us, his intention is to multiply whatever we give him and to give us in return something beyond our highest imagination. It's time to outgrow our mediocre way of thinking.
Christ told the woman of Samaria “ If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.” John 4:10.
That's what Christ is saying to millions in the church and the world today. If we only know what God can do with our lives and what he can give us, we wouldn't hesitate to do whatever he demands of us. Our problem is with the way we think; God is not even trying to “use” us as some people are fond of saying, instead, he is creating opportunity for us through whatever we give him, by multiplying it and giving it back to us a hundred fold.
Some years ago, I gave my life to Christ and dedicated my time in the pursuit of the knowledge and wisdom of God; what I am today is the multiplied effect of that decision. Ponder to be a wonder! DrBenard Etta