But Pharaoh shall not hearken unto you, that I may lay my hand upon Egypt, and bring forth my armies, and my people the children of Israel, out of the land of Egypt by great judgments. Ex 7:4.
Take note of the phrase " and bring forth my armies." Who were these armies? The children of Israel (his people) as stated in the same scripture. So, why did God call an entire nation his armies? That's the key to unlocking God's idea of his people. What is it?
God's idea is to have a nation where every individual citizen is a soldier. In the Old Testament, God's nation was Israel, but in the New Testament, God's people are called a holy nation, not "a holy denomination." 1 Pet 2:9. God's idea is not denominations full of civilian believers, I'm talking about what we have and celebrate today, but a nation of armies.
What if I tell you that God doesn't celebrate what we celebrate, he isn't applauding the latest cathedral in town with 10.000 members, but without a handful of soldiers. In God's perspective, a Gideon 300 member assembly is of more consequence than a 32.000 member church with unprepared people for the Lord's battle.
Most churches today are desperate to spread their branches everywhere in the world even if the people under their roofs are unregenerated. What could be the motivation? If it were about God, then his standard would have been taken into consideration. Most of the time, it is for vainglory, boastfulness, pride, and materialism.
If we are truly God's representatives, then his idea will become our model, but when we careless about what he thinks, desire and plans, then we are on our own although using his name to get to our ends. It is unfortunate but true of most churches today.
There was a time in my life and ministry when I was everywhere as the invitations come, but when God opened my eyes to the fact that many are simply building their "church," not His, but using his name for their purposes, I stopped going to help them build their human empires. If I don't discern that someone is involved in actual kingdom work, I can't honor their invitation.
Ministry is not all about preaching from place to place, helping to keep alive things which were supposed to die, but moving as led by the Lord to strengthen what God is doing in one's generation and setting the right path for present and future generations.
If a minister is on every poster or billboard in his city, it may not necessarily be an indication that he is in demand as a father, but may as well be a sign that he may not know what he is doing. The last thing a true father gives is not money, but his endorsement. We are not supposed to support in any way any work in the name of Christ that isn't after what God is after. Did you get that? I once met a preacher who told me he goes wherever he is invited, I left his presence without saying a word but downloaded an entire book about his perception of God's work.
Apostle, Bishop, Pastor, Prophet, etc., if you aren't raising armies for Christ, what you have is a playground, not a church. If no one told you, hear it today, don't say on the day of reckoning that you were not told. We have a lot of playgrounds today with the sign board of the church, may God help us. God's idea is a nation where every citizen is a soldier. Ex 7:4, Ex 6:26, Ex 12:51. Go forth and raise armies for the Lord! It is the mandate for every generation of men and women sent by God. It is time! DrBenard Etta