For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the [very] day when Noah entered the Ark, and they did not know or understand until the flood came and swept them all away.
The above biblical text is familiar to all students of the word, but it contains rare insights we desperately need for our preservation. Please, take a second look at the text, what do you see and hear?
Mark the words, "For as in those days before the flood." Let me say this to those who care to listen. What you do before trouble comes matters a lot. You can never win a battle you didn't prepare for or saw coming. Whatever surprises you may defeat you.
I know you are wondering where I am driving to. Listen! Preservation is only for the prepared! You play today; you pay tomorrow.
What were the people doing before the flood? The answer is right there in the same scripture. "They were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage." The question is, what is wrong with that? Biblically speaking, there is nothing wrong with the above actions, there are a part of our everyday's life. So, if there was nothing outrightly wrong with eating, drinking, getting married or giving in marriage, why did the scripture inform us about the preoccupation of the people by these activities before the flood? If you don't ask a question, you can't find answers.
Before we get into the possible answer to our question, it is good to compare the people of that time with Noah, the only man whose actions saved him and his family. What was different about him from the people? Do you think Noah fasted and didn't eat or drink all through the time he was building the Ark? I believe he did, but why was he saved and the others perish?
Let's imagine a situation where students are partying a day to their official exam, and while the party was still going on, one of the students slip away to do some reading. What outcome do you envisage for those who continued partying till late in the night and later retired to their beds and the student who returned home early to study? I'm sure you know the answer!
The scripture says, "For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage."
What was the problem with these people?
1) They thought life was all about eating, drinking, marrying and giving in marriage. "Enjoyment extravaganza!"
2) They were "lost" in their 'partying', and they didn't see the handwriting on the wall.
3) They ignored the warning of the only man who "saw tomorrow," but gave their ears to those "prophet-lying" to them, telling them it's all fine and shall remain so."
4) In their deceived minds, they thought Noah was mad, and the rain he was talking about will never come, and even when the rain started, they saw it as another rainy season that would soon go away. So, they continued in their partying until the flood swept them away.
Christ said as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in our day. The handwritings are boldly written on the walls of our nations and societies; sadly, many people do not see the handwriting because of their addiction to pleasure and the pursuit of their egoistic ambitions.
For those of you living in the United States, God just spared you by the election of Donald J. Trump, but I can't guarantee you much if you fail to see the hand of God in his election and instead choose to fight against his presidency.
For those of you in Nigeria, you should be repenting on behalf of the church in Nigeria and Nigeria as a nation, to avert a very dark scenario.
To those in Cameroon, the Titanic may soon hit an iceberg; "you need life jackets," but pray and keep praying "peradventure."
The years ahead of the human race will be challenging, let no one fool you with baseless prophecies. Prepare for tomorrow, today. Get your Ark together.
If your relationship with God is nonexistence or casual, it is time to turn to God with your whole heart. Christ the Redeemer is knocking; it is time to let him in. Wherever you are, you can reach out to him from your heart in sincere repentance, and he will save you and show you what you must to do.
Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do." Acts 9:6
If you need my counsel on this subject, don't hesitate to contact me. Remain vigilant! DrBenard Etta