And Pharaoh said unto Jacob, How old art thou? Gen 47:8.
Why is it important at times to reflect on our age? The Psalmist said; "So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom."Psalm 90:12.
It is important to reflect on our age once in a while because it helps us apply wisdom in the way we live. None of us will live forever in this physical world and each passing day, we don't get younger, but older, drawing closer to our exit. This fact requires that we ponder on the preciousness of the time we have been given and the need for us to do something with our lives before its too late.
I once asked my audience during one of my programs for each individual to add just 10 years to their age. Those who were 40 suddenly realized that, in ten years time, they will be 50 years old; those in their fifties, will be 60, and those in their seventies will be 80 years old, etc. When you number your days and ponder on the time you may have left, you would invest and engage your life and purpose more effectively.
How old are you? Ponder!
Most people exit this world between 60-90 years, looking at your present age, what are you thinking about?
"Life is not measured by what one has acquired, but by what one has inspired. Life is not measured by our duration, but by our donation. Life is not measured by our prosperity, but by our posterity. What are you living for?
It is time to invest your time and life wisely. If you were to leave the scene today, what would you be remembered for? Remember, none of us would take anything out of this world. It is important to use whatever God's providence has bestowed on us to pursue the fulfillment of our purpose with a sense of urgency.
Arch Bishop Benson Idahosa of blessed memory said, “When your mission on earth becomes a task; everything about your life will come alive." He said, the difference between assignment and a task is that, with a task, you are expected to complete whatever you have been assigned to do within a time frame, but with mere assignment, which isn't a task, any time you finish is okay. Each of us has a task attached to our existence; something we must finish within the time frame given to us. It is just too unfortunate that most people are merely existing; playing around and whirling away with precious time given to them. It isn't enough to be a survival; there should be positive impact attributed to our survival. I feel like preaching!
May God give each of us the grace to finish strong and well, and to finish on time.
"I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night comes, when no man can work." John 9:4.
Ponder! DrBenard Etta