In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Gen 1:1
"In the beginning," there was a beginning and everything with an end, must have a beginning. What you lack the courage to begin can never be completed. Each time you postpone the beginning of a step or an action, you unconsciously postponed your destiny. There are some of you sitting idly-by waiting for the perfect timing to begin. Listen! There'll never be any time when all things will fall in place or all conditions will be favorable. In fact, the beginning is always surrounded by challenges, which scare opportunists and adventurers. The beginning is always rough, raw and rugged; it takes a vision of the end while still at the beginning to build momentum to launch out.
What Did God Do In The Beginning?
"God created the heaven and the earth."
He didn't make heaven and earth in the beginning; he "created them." He developed a picture in his mind of what he wanted and what he was going for. Creativity begins with imagination (Image formation). Unless you develop a mental picture of what you want, you may never arrive at the actual picture. What is not a conception can't be birthed.
You don't begin anything with money!
Money is required to facilitate the implementation of a vision; so, what comes first is vision not money. Anything you begin with money without vision is bound to fail. In fact, the most confused people in this planet are people with money, but without a vision. The first requirement for any successful venture isn't money, but a clear vision, mental picture and imagination of where you are going to, from where you are and what you have. It is time to create something or somewhere in your mind in order to give yourself a goal, focus and direction.
God finished the creation of heaven and earth in his mind before beginning the actual making of the heavens and the earth. That's the principle of getting things done. There was a day I asked my staff what each of them would do if given 500 million Frs. One said, she would become sick and another said, she would first spend some time to cry, before heading to a hotel to rest her head to figure out what to do. I told them, you can't do any meaningful thing with such amount of money if you wait for it before figuring out what to do. I told them, I already have a clear plan of what to do even with 500 billion dollars. I wrote my vision many years ago and all I'm doing now is implementing its different phases. That's what it takes to succeed.
You should know where you are going to before beginning a journey. You must see the end from the beginning in order to arrive at your end. Never underestimate a person with a vision; he or she may be sleeping under a bridge today, but in a matter of years he or she may become your employer.
"God created the heavens and earth." It is time to create something; if you aren’t creative, you risk becoming a thief. Ponder To Be A wonder! DrBenard Etta