(Hebrews 2:10)
A Must-Read!
The Captain of our Salvation, Jesus Christ, was perfected, as the scripture says, through sufferings. Hebrews 2:10.
The things He suffered weren't because He was out of God's will or a sin problem in his life but were a necessary process by God's design to bring many sons to glory.
Perfected through 'sufferings' is one of the most misunderstood subjects in the whole of Christian life. While some people view suffering as a problem with the sufferer, others see it as a sign of the devil at work. However, if we renew our minds with God's word, we'll realize that suffering, in the Christian context, is a part of God's plan to refine our faith and character and prepare us for our earthly mission.
Joseph didn't go through what he went through because of a problem with his relationship with God, but it was the path to his enthronement.
Songs like "Me I no go suffer" became popular within the church world because some preachers taught that suffering must be either the devil's attack or the failure of the child of God in some areas. As a result, many Christians or ministers prefer to stay mute than share their troubles with others for fear of being misjudged.
So, when you ask them, how are you doing? They will quickly say, "It is well," even though they are dying. There is a general attitude within the church world towards sufferings that leaves fellow brethren lonely when going through testing.
In the ministry, it is worse. People run to ministers when they need encouragement, but at times, ministers have nowhere to go when dealing with challenges, even among colleagues, for fear of being misjudged. So, they put up a strong face even though they are dying gradually.
We must correct our theology; we are losing many brave warriors because we aren't there for one another. The captain of our salvation was perfected through sufferings.
Read 2 Corinthians 11: 23-28, and you will understand that walking with the Lord is not a bed of roses. 2 Corinthians 4-12.
Paul, the Apostle, could have established a church if he wanted to in one of the thriving cities of his days and stayed there collecting tithes and offerings and living a comfortable life. On the contrary, he chose to travel on foot, horseback, and other modes of travel in his days, from one hostile region to the other, to bring the gospel to his generation.
Today, the ministry is more about relocating where there are greater "cash flows," and when we become wealthy, we look down on those laboring under difficult circumstances. We treat them as if something is wrong with them or they lack favour in their lives and ministry. Sad!
The church needs a Repositioning.
To be there for others depends on the things one has suffered. If you have suffered little, you will understand little, and vice versa. Where is the church that understands sufferings and can be a place of encouragement to those battling life's adversities?
The common slogan these days is, "Everyone for themselves and God for us all." It isn't scripture but the wisdom of the word. We need to create a church community that values and supports everyone, especially those going through trials.
Jesus told Peter, in Luke 22: 31-34 ", Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.
Did you get that? You survived what killed others not because you were wiser or more diligent but because Christ interceeded for you. When things turn around for you, don't treat others who may still be undergoing a process of suffering like they don't know what they are doing.
Remember where the Lord brought you from, reach out and hold the hands of others, and be a source of solace for those dealing with trials. It's our responsibility as Christians to support and empathize with those going through challenging times, not to be self-absorbed.
May the Lord help us all!
DrBenard Etta