The challenge of repositioning the fivefold ministry today is that so many individuals purporting to be ministers of God don't even know what ministry is about. To some of them, ministry is proclaiming scriptures, praying for folks, gathering people under a roof and lording over them, and in the process, make money, build a church house, get some invitations, acquire wealth, then die and hand over to the children. The above lie about the ministry is a curse holding back the advancement of the kingdom on several fronts.
You can spend a month in most cities today searching and searching for where you can find churches or ministries that care about God's "marching orders," the search may leave you in tears. At a time when we should be mourning, calling for solemn assemblies to weep before God for a heaven-sent visitation, you have some others going about ordaining and releasing more charlatans to devour what the grasshoppers have left.
Shout a louder amen and claim a miracle and other pulpit rhetorics have replaced real word exposition and elucidation, which awakens the desire in people to get right with the Lord, discover his divine purpose and to fulfill it, answer the call for missions and marketplace ministry, intercede for a global move of God, etc.
There are those who believe that speaking out is disturbing the unity of the body of Christ. Laughable! Is the unity of the body of Christ a compromise of light and darkness? Who says everyone who professes Christ is a member of the body of Christ? What do we understand as the unity of the body of Christ? I hope to revisit the above themes as soon as I got the time.
Most young men and women entering the ministry today are in real trouble to distinguish wheat from the chaff, and to know what is God and what is flesh. Since most of them are also looking for what pampas and resonates with the vanity in their hearts, they seem to lean towards the detestable and abominable. But the good news is that, in the midst of the gross darkness hovering over several quarters of Christendom, God is raising a remnant people, and the world will soon hear from them.
There is a generation of leaders kept and preserved by God to live in this era with a mandate to train and mentor these remnant people God is raising.The sons of Issachar had 200 heads, but they were in command of their brethren who were in their thousands because they understood the times and what Israel was supposed to do.
The Lord is doing something silently, and the perfection of what he is doing will soon speak in cities and nations around the world. There is a generation being prepared for the battles of the last days; they will soon roar. We can't wait to see their revealing! Proper alignment is the rallying call!