That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; (Phi 3:10)
To work for Christ is good, but to know Christ is better. Sometime we think, by working so hard for God; we can impress him by the many things we do in his name, when actually he is more interested in getting us to know him than to work for Him.
Remember Martha, she was busy about many things, but Jesus said, Mary has chosen the best part which cannot be taken from her. Why? She sat at the feet of Jesus, listening and learning, while Martha was busy trying to prepare something for Jesus to eat. Does that mean Martha was doing something completely wrong? No! The issue is this; when we know him, we would be able to read his mind to know what he wants us to do at every given time. Outside of knowing him, we will operate in the dark regarding his will.
In the story of Jesus and the woman of Samaria, the scriptures say, Christ was hungry, and he sent his disciples to buy something for him to eat, and when they returned, instead of Jesus to eat, he was busy speaking with the woman of Samaria, and the disciples wondered if someone has given him something to eat, and they urged him to eat, and He told them, “I have meat to eat that ye know not of." (Jn (Jn 4:32)
What was the problem with the disciples in the above scripture? The disciples were sincere, but mistaken; they were operating on the mindset of the past; what Jesus needed, they didn't share in the mind of Christ for what the moment demanded. Like the disciples, we can be sincere, but mistaken in several areas in our busyness to work for God.
To know the scriptures and what they demand from us are good, but to know the Christ of the scriptures is much better. To know the commandments and commissions of the scriptures is good, but to know the one who gave the commandments and commission is better. If you were to ask the disciples what they were doing while they were busy with getting something for Jesus to eat, they would tell you sincerely that, they were doing the work of God, but in truth, they were out of touch with the heart beat of Christ.
Working for Christ without seeking to know him is just like working as a robot. Robots are machines made to do the heavy duties which humans can’t perform. They don’t have a mind of their own neither do they share the mind of those who made them. They simply act base on the remote control of those who use them. God did not create robots, neither did he saved us to turn us into robots, but to make us join heirs with Christ. We only take our rightful place in the Godhead by knowing Christ; do see why Paul made the issue of knowing Christ a top priority before talking about knowing the power of His resurrection?
Most believers today want more of the power of his resurrection; they talk about it than they talk of the need to know Christ. At times, the motive is simply to be on the spotlight. We need to know the power of his resurrection, but above all, we need to know Christ, who gives us the privilege to experience the power of his resurrection.
When we know him, we would be able to handle the power of His resurrection properly. Unconsciously to us, most of our so-called power demonstrations have turned us into entertainers in the eyes of the world.. Like Samson, we sometimes play for the viewing pleasure of the heathen becau