(A Must-Read)
The final battle between good and evil is already taking place and the casualty is enormous. The times demand for a degree of alertness and preparedness from everyone serious about surviving the battles of this hour. The causality is mounting up all around us and several million more people risk being a part of the casualty. Why? Due to their Unpreparedness!
We are living in a time when information and revelation have been graciously given and made available, but the irony is that, very few people invest quality time to read, study and research on their own to find out things for themselves. An individual, who is capable of affording whatever he or she desires, still complains about purchasing a book or the token required for participation in an information program. We spend on trivialities without complaining, but when it comes to making little sacrifices to acquire the knowledge to stay ahead of the "bad guys," we see that as burdensome. As a result, millions of human beings stand completely unprepared to survive the days, months, and years ahead of us.
I'm sorry, I'm not a doomsday preacher; I'm simply stating the truth. Millions of people will sadly become the casualty of the time as a result of their ignorance and a lack of preparedness to cope with the clashes, conflicts and battles of the hour. It's quite unfortunate!
Tune to any international media; the coverage is frightening. Death is everywhere! On land, air, sea, forest and even under the earth. Even though the signs of the times are everywhere, yet, like it was in the days of Noah, a sea of humanity is living carelessly, merely eating, drinking and making merry without any form of alertness and preparedness. Others are busy having fun as they say, by experimenting new forms of sexual acts and murderous atrocities.
As gross darkness descends on this obstinate generation, the church was supposed to be a beacon of light; a place where the knowledge and understanding of the times are shared to hungry souls, instead in some quarters; churches are a part of the darkness. God has raised voices to call the church to order, but very few people are listening. Most church folks are busy from one meeting to another just to be entertained, while some masquerading as ministers of God, are simply using the ministry as their own fortune 500 companies.
Who are we going to blame? Are we going to blame God for the casualties? No! God has always warned us; sending his voices to challenge us to sit up and to focus on the things that matter, but we succumb more to the dictate of our five physical senses as they drive us towards the pursued of baseless trivialities.
Few individuals are consciously seeking God for insight regarding their purpose. It's all about “making it” and “acquiring it,” but who actually cares about knowing the purpose for “making it” and “acquiring it” from God's perspective? Proclamations and prophecies of all the good things the world can offer are now a click away, but where are those searching for the purpose of God for empowering people with the good things the world can offer for such a time as this?
The stakes are high; if you think I'm talking to those living in Syria, Iraq, Libya, and the three northern states of Nigeria where Boko-Haran activities are prevalent, then you are grossly mistaken. The final battle between good and evil is raging and will trial every human being living on this planet. Whether one is a child of God, minister or an unbeliever, no one is going to be exempted from the trials coming on the earth. The way out is effective preparation in God's presence and a conscious and deliberate quest for true information and revelation regarding the times in which we are living and the survival strategies. I'm not talking to everyone, but to those this message was designed for. Read and share with friends! If you choose to be under my mentorship, subscribe below.
Be blessed!
DrBenard Etta