(And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. John 1:5)
There is no coexistence between light and darkness. If one is to surrender to the other, definitely it has to be darkness. You are either light or darkness; both can't coexist.
The spirit of a true believer or minister is always restless to see the overthrow of darkness and the enthronement of light. If you say you are of God at this time of the world's greatest "darkness" and all you are seeking is your favorite welfare packages from heaven, it is a symptom of a spiritually and mentally sick condition.
Whenever you meet a true ambassador of God in this hour, you would see an individual with a restlessness for darkness to be pushed out and for light to prevail on earth. Such people define what they have and who and where they are as a provision by Providence for the cause of extinguishing darkness. To these remnant people, nothing is worth anything if it isn't serving the purpose of propagating light and dispelling darkness.
You are alive for such a time as this for this purpose, don't let "darkness" take over your life, family, community, society, nation, and the world. When I talk of darkness, don't look too far. When people now pay specific amounts of money to join prayer lines, I don't know what you call that, for your information, it is gross darkness.
When the business of selling prayer cloths, oil, soap, bangles, bracelets, framed photos of individuals masquerading as prophets, etc, for miracles has now become a new normal, and those who were supposed to know their left from their right, are falling for these things, it is an indication that darkness is fast descending over this generation with unimaginable speed.
I can write and write and write, in fact, the list of outright atrocities taking place today under the banner of church and ministry is endless. And, there are those saying we just have to keep silent in the face of such abuses. Others are of the opinion that God will do something in his own time, etc. I know you have heard such excuses, but I also know that there is a generation living today, conscious of their mission.
They are aware of the task before them, and they aren't counting on their abilities, but on the omnipotence of God to empower them for their unpopular assignment. Would you like to join this remnant people? Dr.Benard Etta