The Arch Bishop Benson Idahosa of blessed memory, my father, said; the greatest message he ever preached was titled. "The kingdom of God is of the spirit and not in the spirit." I agree with him wholeheartedly. If God's children everywhere understand this simple message, the whole earth would be filled with the glory of God.
What is this message all about? It is the simple understanding that we are God's hands, and feet on earth. Instead of asking God to intervene, let's realize, we are his intervention. If we don't do, it can't be done because God works through us in the earth realm.
When the world council of witches planned to hold their annual global gathering in Benin city Nigeria in the days of the Arch Bishop Benson Idahosa. The man of God stepped out and said on national television that the meeting is cancelled, but the main organizer said, even God can't stop the gathering. The Arch Bishop Benson Idahosa responded by saying that, God doesn't need to come down to stop you, while I am here," He said emphatically, "I have already stopped the meeting and the meeting didn't hold in Benin City, Nigeria according to the word of the man of God."
Have you heard believers making statements like "God will intervene;" "God will provide;" "God will do it;" "God will make a way." Most of the time, these statements are simply excuses for irresponsibility. Imagine what we can accomplish if we shift from the thinking that God will provide, God will do it, and God will intervene, to realizing that, God will provide; God will do it; and God will intervene through us.
Have you ever seen God in person giving someone money or any other thing? Even after intense prayers, the answer always comes from a man or woman, sensitive and willing to make a difference in the lives of others. Doesn't this make God irrelevant? No! It simply underscores his operational dynamics on the earth realm. God placed us on the earth realm as his hands and feet; what we refuse to do may remain undone and where we refuse to go to may not be opportune to experience God's touch. To me, this is the greatest message of the kingdom.
To tell someone who is hungry to trust God for intervention, when you are in the position to provide the needed food is simply charismatic wickedness. Telling a homeless man of mansions in heaven, instead of providing him shelter is insensitive and unrealistic. God doesn't construct houses, schools, hospitals, bridges, roads, gives scholarship, etc., but accomplishes these things through people.
When next you come across someone with a need you can meet, don't tell him to trust God, provide the need. Wherever you find yourself, God placed you there as his hands and feet. Stop sending people to ceaseless fasting and prayers for answers you can provide. That's the way God's kingdom can have direct practical impact on the day to day living experience of people. We are God's hands and feet; let's launch out and begin to touch the lives of people, instead of shutting ourselves in our closets in the name of praying to God to touch them. Christ is in you; give him to the world, stop asking the world to give you Jesus and take the world. They don't have him. Have a blessed week. DrBenard Etta