Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it. LUKE 17:33.
Christ promised to build his church. Why? He wanted more of himself on the earth not just religious individuals. We have confused the church with our local ministries and assemblies. The church Christ is building is not physical buildings with crosses on their doors or religious organizations and denominations, but people whom Christ expresses his nature, passion and purpose through them. These called-out ones, have the grace to give up their own life for God's own life. They don't live for themselves, but for the purpose and mission of Christ. The positive revolution this generation and humanity is yearning for, depends on these people Christ recognizes as his church.
We can be a part of a ministry, church denomination and assembly and yet not be a part of the church Christ is building. The reason its difficult at times to unite local churches, organizations and ministries to achieve something of interest to God is because a local church, ministry or Christian organization may not necessarily be a component of the church Christ is building. Thus, most of the time, they are too occupied doing their programs, but totally out of touch with God's own program.
The people who are the church Christ is building have little difficulties coming together or building synergy for kingdom exploits. The reason is that, they all have given up their own life's interest, passion and purpose for Christ and as a result, it isn't a challenge to them to follow the Lord wherever he leads. But this isn't the experience with those who are merely religious.
For a positive revolution to take place in a nation or society, they must first exist the church Christ is building in that nation or society. I'm talking about a people totally sold out to Christ and living his life in the "flesh." The hope of the nations for any meaningful transformation rests on this called out individuals. There may be several churches/ Christian ministries in a city/ nation and yet the church Christ is building isn't a part of all the religiosity going on within the city or nation.
When Christ builds his church in a city or nation, his church would serve as the light within the city or nation. The church Christ is building and the religious church seldom walk together since they don't pursue the same goals. At times, his church is persecuted by the religious church.
The difference between the church Christ is building and the religious church is in their character. While the people who make up the church Christ is building don't live for themselves, but for Christ's purpose, mission and kingdom, on the contrary, the religious church is made up of people who live for themselves. God is just a means to their own ends! They use God to build themselves, but constitute nothing meaningful to the cause of Christ. The greatest void in any society or nation is the absence of the church Christ is building. Ponder
DrBenard Etta