Revelation 2:20 (NLT)
"But I have this complaint against you. You are permitting that woman—that Jezebel who calls herself a prophet—to lead my servants astray. She teaches them to commit sexual sins and to eat food offered to idols.
Why was the church in Thyatira indifferent and tolerant to Jezebel and her immorality? Are we playing the same card of indifference today towards the Jezebels operating within the church? It seems more like we have exceeded the church in Thyatira in compromise.
Note the following about Jezebel.
I) She called herself a prophetess. It wasn't God who called her. Hmmm
2) She made the servants of God comfortable with the sin of immortality. Do you call that ministry?
I know we'll be quick to call her out while protecting the ones within our present-day Pentecostal movement( male & female). Today is Sunday; sadly, some of you will sit under the anointing of Jezebel and give sacrificially due to a lack of discernment.
May the Lord set you free.
The church in Thyatira saw her as a great prophetess of God, but God saw her for who she was👉Jezebel.
Who were these servants of God she taught to commit sexual immorality and eat food offered to idols? If the Lord called them his servants, that's who they were.
The question is, what happened to their discernment? Could it be that there were also on her payroll or merely playing to the gallery? Ponder!
Some people are" follow, follow." They have no balls and go with the wind. Maybe they thought confronting Jezebel would divide the body of Christ because, to them, the body of Christ is everyone within the church. 🤔🤔🤔🤔
Who will bell the cat?
No one wanted to lose preaching engagements by confronting Jezebel and being considered arrogant by fellow ministers. There is no end to why the church in Thyatira allowed Jezebel to continue her dangerous mission.
Do you see the similarities between the church in Thyatira and our today's Pentecostal movement? If you don't see it, you are likely a victim of Jezebelish anointing, and you desperately need help.
We are under siege by numerous male and female Jezebels whose harm exceeds that of the church in Thyatira. What have we done? We have chosen the path of appeasement with evil.
Who will bell the cat?
Where are the Elijahs? Where are the Jehu's? Oh God, send revolutionary fire to awaken the sleeping church. We must arise and tell Jezebel that enough is enough. The time is now. Let the revolution begin!
DrBenard Etta
Inspiring, impactful and thought provoking Dr Etta. The "Elijahs" are coming!!
Lord, in agreement with your servants, prayer, I say amen. Thank you, Dr Sir, for the cry.