(1918 — 2018 )
Today, the world stands still as one of God's Generals of the 20th century takes his place at the grandstand of heaven, from where he will be cheering the next generation with the hope that we would move and advance the kingdom of God beyond the frontiers he pioneered.
Dr. Billy Graham didn't earn the respect and admiration that characterized his ministerial journey because of his expensive wristwatches, Porsche cars, private jet planes, and properties, but for the simple fact that he touched millions of lives the world over.
Why would God use a humble Baptist preacher to impact millions of lives in both high and low places? He was the first preacher to preach to the whole world via television, and publicly preached the gospel in Russia and other former Soviet countries before the fall of communism, without the "sophistication" and showoffs of most of our modern-day preachers. Dr. Graham served as a counselor or minister to a dozen U.S. presidents, and he preached to an estimated 215 million people in 185 countries around the world during his life.
In my humble opinion, I think the answer lies in the truism that "God resists the proud, but gives his grace to the humble."
The life's story and glory of humble servants of God of the likes of Dr.Billy Graham stand as a rebuke to our modern-day ministerial excesses, especially within the Pentecostal movement. May we learn from the simplicity of this great man of God and be inspired to return to the humility, which has always characterized the lives of all of God's true servants.
Ministry is not showbiz, neither the evidence of grace measured or evaluated by a minister's excessive, expensive and extravagant lifestyle.
If wealth was the actual measurement of grace, then we all should be on our knees for Bill Gates to lay hands on us to impart grace. May God save our generation of gospel ministers.
People who are great in the sight of God and man don't show-off, they stay humble and focus on their mission. May God save our generation, we have turned ministry into something else. We compete and strive for vain glory. God, save us!
Dr. Billy Graham came, he saw and conquered! RIP God's General! DrBenard Etta
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