Needed! Needed!Needed!
One of the most significant crises in the body of Christ today and in the world is "the crisis of Imbalance." Some individuals in leadership and church denominations have chosen only to reflect the past, and that presents God as God of yesterday ( historical God). Others have chosen the side of the present without any historical roots, which presents God as a contemporary God who goes with the wind and others see God in the light of the future. They can only tell you about what God will do next, but not what he did and is doing today.
Brethren, we need balance! And, BALANCE is a portion of yesterday + a portion of today + a portion of tomorrow all blended into one. That's the real character of transformational broad-based leadership. That's the kind of 21st Century Leadership we desperately need in all facets of life.
Balance= A portion of yesterday + a portion of today + A portion of tomorrow.
A leader must be an embodiment of the "treasures" of the past, present, and future. That's why the Bible began with Genesis (History of the beginning) and ends with the book of revelation( insight into the future). Yesterday + Today+ tomorrow = Stability/ Balance.
To allow someone to lead you who talks soly about the past, with no insight into today and forsight for tomorrow is an error. I fear for most young people who speak about today's "revelations, but with no touch from yesterday (history) and tomorrow (insight into the future). Worse of all are those who only talk about "what is to come"(Tomorrow-future) and nothing about what happened yesterday and what is happening today.
"Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever." That's leadership, stretched through times, past, present, and future. I hope you enjoyed the breakfast! If you did, share with others. Enjoy your day!
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