History to me is a compulsory subject for individuals with the aspiration to make meaningful impact in their respective fields. I am not a history teacher, but I am a recipient of the inspiration from history, especially world and Christian history.
What is history?
History is a compound word; HIS- STORY. History is the story of people, places and things in the past. No one has ever made relevant improvements in any field of life who has not been a student of history in his or her respective field. No one has inspired the world, who has not tapped from the rich treasures of history.
For instance, if someone says, he or she is a Christian minister; I would love to know his background research in Christian history? Who were the Christian ministers in history who inspire the individual the most? If a minister can't answer these questions, he or she would inevitably have a ministry without deep roots and that naturally leads to superficiality and fanaticism in the people who sit under such a minister.
This is equally applicable in all fields of life. If you say you are a politician, scientist, educator, Medical Doctor, etc., you should study the history of your profession, especially the individuals who made remarkable contributions in your field. This is one of the greatest adventures you can ever undertake in your field of life.
What the Study of History Offers!
1) Information.
2) Inspiration
3) Motivation
4) Principles
5) Challenge
(If you are not informed, you would be deformed). Information provides facts, and without facts, you can't explain truths effectively. Your impressions would be locked up inside of you for lack of facts to express them. "It takes facts to be fat," in your knowledge delivery. Christ's teachings were highly illustrative and simplified because he was not just an ignorant preacher moving around trying to preach about the kingdom of God; He was called Rabbi, 'TEACHER'. He had a mastery of facts, and that's what made his teachings logical.
I feel sorry for those who ignore the importance of elaborate research of the bowels of history in their respective fields; such leaders would operate with limited information with consequences on their effectiveness and impact. Shallowness of thought and knowledge in any field is a result of a lack of deep research in that field. It is time to dig deeper into the bowels of history for information, inspiration, motivation, principles, and challenge. Dr.Benard Etta
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