The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple. Psalm 119:130

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Three months ago, one of the mighty men of the word, whom the Lord used in the late 80s to Mid-90s to impact my life, was informed about our relocating to Nairobi, Kenya. Repositioning😂

A day before our departure, he wanted to send some money to contribute to our trip, but I told him not to bother even though we needed money. I thanked him from the bottom of my heart and pleaded with him not to send me money. 


Listen, there are things not written in the Bible word verbatim, but as you walk

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He is NOT Risen

Some were saying, there is no resurrection of the dead. 
Then if that is so, Christ is not risen. 

Paul addressed the whole issue of resurrection and it's implications whether it happened or not.

1 Cor 15 12-18
12But if it is preached that Christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? 

13If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 

14And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is worthless, and so is

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Enjoy👇👇💯% Hot!

You can't change from an attitude you justify, and what you accept will live with you for the rest of your life.

The price Christ paid is sufficient to remake us into new beings, but if we keep listening to sugar-coated pulpit lies that glorify the mess we are in instead of challenging us to desire the fullness of Christ's redemptive grace that transformed Paul from a killer of believers into an apostle of Christ, we'll continue our downward fall!
Christ died so that w
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If you would miss any gathering of the saints this year, it shouldn't be the GFC 2023 World Congress, Nairobi, Kenya. 🇰🇪
👉 Message to kingdom Leaders👈
The reason is that the Repositioning of the 21st-Century Church is God's "Now Agenda. "Whatever the Lord has ordained for the church in every nation and globally will only occur after a proper repositioning or realignment of the church to God's order, plan, and overall goals.
When one is serving God only for what one can acquire o
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Dear kingdom Ambassadors, ladies and gentlemen, A Happy New Month to you from the GFC Visionary, Dr Benard Etta and his lovely wife, Luminary Helen Etta and to all of us at the Global Faith Coalition communication department!

We Praise the Almighty God for bringing us to March, the third month of the year of our Lord 2023, a month to march forward in our preparedness for the forthcoming GFC 2023 World Congress-Nairobi Kenya, scheduled for August 22nd to 26th on the theme, the Repositioning of th

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👉Arrival - August 22nd
👉Congress--Wednesday 23rd- Saturday 26th.
👉Venue: Catholic University of East Africa.
GFC 2023 World Congress on Repositioning the 21st-Century Church Nairobi Kenya is not an ordinary gathering but a holy convocation for those God Himself has appointed!
"No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him." John 6:44a
Attending international gatherings of the saints should be a part of every believer and leader's growth plan. Though it can't be
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Within our churches, Satan seems to be the real enemy of the kingdom, and we spend so much time fighting him. However, when you get into the field, you’ll discover that it isn't Satan but our disorder, egotism, greed and self-seeking ministry mindset.

Satan seems to have stopped fighting us in several quarters but merely watching us destroy ourselves. For instance, when you arrive in most places today with a vision and burden for a strategic kingdom engagement, the first question you will be as

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👉👉👉👉👉Genesis 26:18, KJV: And Isaac digged again the wells of water, which they had digged in the days of Abraham his father; for the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham: and he called their names after the names by which his father had called them.
We'd have an awakening if we re-dig the wells of revival (History of revivals). If churches worldwide devote the next three months of 2023 to listening to stories(documentarie
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Genesis 26:18, KJV: And Isaac digged again the wells of water, which they had digged in the days of Abraham his father; for the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham: and he called their names after the names by which his father had called them.

Before Isaac and his servants dug new wells, he reopened the wells of Abraham. The present must stand on the shoulders of the past to see farther.
Isaac Newton said,” If I’ve seen farther than my contemporaries, it is that I s
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(Is It 31st-Night Crossover Or "Overcross?"

We're gradually getting closer to the New Year 2023, and there are preparations for crossover nights everywhere. The multi-million-dollar question is, where is the place of God's agenda in these several purported crossover nights? What is motivating it?
If we learn from history, we will avoid repeating its mistakes. The brazen serpent was a symbol of deliverance and healing in the wilderness. However, it became an idol when the children of Isra
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Promote your African Kingdom Event FREE

Are you planning a Christian event open to all believers (not just your church) over the coming weeks or months?

10921549052?profile=RESIZE_584xSuch as Leadership Training, Prayer Meeting, Outreach, Rally, March, Conference, Unity event, Teaching Seminar, Movie or Music Launch, worship event etc.
Create an event on Africa Network BFTF and tell over 4,000 African leaders about it and promote it to your national group and others. Create your free account here and get started
Also access fr
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Gospel Giants

1 Corinthians 9:16

"For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!" 

Preaching the Gospel to them (Gospel Giants) was not something to attract attention, likeability, or become wealthy and famous but of necessity. They stayed faithful to their calling and counted it worthy to bear the reproach of Christ. They were in the world but not of the world. They lived for higher goals. Heavenly kingdom goals. Hum

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My dear emerging Gospel ministers, please listen. Putting on Clerical titles, apparel, or Bishopric attires does not indicate ministry Grace, spiritual status, ministry requirement, etc.

I know I just smashed the” brazen serpent.” I'm not talking to elderly kingdom statesmen and women but to the emerging generation of ministers.

One of the indicators that a once-upon-a-time revival movement is in decline is when the craving for recognition, attention, position and self-seeking becomes paramoun

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The Unity of the faith

Ephesians 4:13

Till we all come in the Unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ.

There is what the Bible calls the Unity of the faith that connects past, present, and future generations of saints. It embodies the understanding of the fundamentals of the kingdom of God, God's ways and the operation of his kingdom. His will on earth as it is in heaven and much more enshrined in the Holy scripture. The s

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Genesis 1: 2 -3.
And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
Brethren, only light can drive away darkness. We need light to change the present state of the church. When the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep, God introduced light. May the light
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"Write this letter to the angel* of the church in Sardis. This is the message from the one who has the sevenfold Spirit* of God and the seven stars:👉
👉 "I know all the things you do and that you have a reputation for being alive—but you are dead.👈
Revelation 3:1 (NLT)
The packaging of the church in Sardis could only earn them high scores from human beings, but Christ told them the hard t
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Read and meditate on the messages to the churches 👉Revelations 2 & 3. They were written by and under GRACE. Still, there were forthright, not sugarcoated, as our present-day purported grace messages. Who lied to us?

God used the seven churches in Asia Minor, present-day Turkey, as platforms to deliver timeless messages to the churches throughout the church age.

"Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit and understand what he is saying to the churches."

Revelation 3:22 (NLT)

Every seri

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The Chief Aims of Ministry!

(Read the meditate on the text & Ponder on the brief writeup below the text) 👇👇

Ephesians 4:11-14

👉Now, these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers.

👉Their responsibility is to equip God's people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ.

👉This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God's Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and comple

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When Something Becomes So ”Cheap” and A Common Practice By Any Tom, Dick, Susan, and Harry, don't look for God there.
For instance, God used the Rod of Moses to open the Red Sea, but if everyone starts looking for their rods because God once used that, it is an indication that God is no more there.
When a method or a way God chose at a particular time to reveal his might and power becomes a "religion," you won't find God there anymore.
If Christ used mud and saliva to anoint a
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You Can Be A Nation Builder



You can't rise above your knowledge of the word of God. Ignorance of the word is the greatest ignorance of man. Dr. Etta

Dr.Benard Etta ministering during "Unveiling the 21st Century Church" conference Chicago Illinois USA 2013

Dr.Benard Etta speaking to Gospel ministers in Asaba Nigeria 2011

Dr.Benard Etta Speaking to Leaders @ Voice of Freedom Benin City, Nigeria 2011

Dr.Benard Etta on missions to Dallas Texas 2013.

Dr.Benard Etta & Dr.Madhu Krishan from India during GFC World Congress Douala Cameroon


He called the Light Day. Genesis 1:5a

In God's perspective, a day is only justified by its light. That's why, Christ said, we should ask for our daily bread. The bread he was referring to was something deeper than physical food; it is the light (revelation and understanding) that goes with each day.

You can't survive on yesterday's light, today, which is the major reason why most institutions, churches, and organizations lose their relevance with time.

Operating with the light of yesterday in a new day is the major reason behind the decay in several quarters of Christendom.

Jesus wept over Jerusalem because they didn't know the time of their visitation. The light of the world walked through their streets, but their religious blindness made them miss such a glorious era.

I'm weeping for this generation, "And this is the condemnation, that light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil." John 3:19.

I pray you seek the light for this era!

Sometimes, it may require personal consecration to God and thorough mentorship under those entrusted with the light of a given dispensation.

"Religion" hates to hear this kind of truth, but we won't close our mouths nor drop down our pens until the light of the truth sweeps all across this dark world. Help us, God! DrBenard Etta

He Called the Darkness Night! Gen 1:5b


Physical things are weak illustrations of life realities. We are either walking in the “Day” or “Night” and the difference is light.

The difference between day and night is not time, but light. An entire generation can grope in the dark and live their experience in the night if they lack light (Illumination).

We are in the 21st-Century, and while there is a small group of people dotted around the world who are walking in the light of this day (21st Century), it is just unfortunate that millions of people living in this same era are walking in darkness and living the reality of the night.

An entire denomination, nation, and generation could walk in gross darkness even under the brightest sunlight. Thank God for sunlight, but its impact is merely physical. There is another light; divine light, the light of the revelation of Christ as the truth. That's the highest light!

It doesn't make people merely religious; it upgrades their knowledge and understanding and gives them access to “heavenly civilization” for early manifestation. That's why, just going to church alone isn't enough, there is light available if we press on to know the one who is Light, and in him is no darkness at all.

It is his light given to a generation that births their day. He called the Light Day!

Very soon, the power of his Light will lighten this age through his luminaries. I see a new day on the horizon; it's coming!

Don't get lost in baseless “religiosity,” disconnect to connect. Ponder to be a wonder!DrBenard Etta

The Word Of God Contains All The Vital Principles For Birthing A New Civilization!

The world within the word of God is the only realm without deficiencies; its sufficiency can make up for our deficiencies in all areas of our lives and spheres of strategic importance. Apart from salvation from sin, sicknesses, curses, and demonic oppression, the ‘world within the word offers breakthrough knowledge, ideas, strategy, inventions, creations, and innovative insights, capable of propelling advanced progress in the Politico-Socio-Economic-Cultural and Scientific arenas. The word of God contains all the vital principles for the birthing of a new civilization, in virtually all areas and spheres of life. It takes insight to see this possibility.

There is much more to our existence on planet Earth than mere survival. I said in Chicago last year during my mentorship program that the highly celebrated "American Dream" of a house, car, and others is the highest form of poverty if it becomes all one lives for.


Dr,Benard Etta Speaking during Beltville Maryland Mentor-ship Conference 2014



1) It is a heavenly vision for such a time as this, packaged with timely and relevant revelation knowledge to equip the saints for extraordinary effectiveness and impact in establishing God's kingdom and His will on earth as it is in heaven in the lives of people and all facets of society in the 21st century.

2) The courses are not borrowed, but downloaded from the mind of God, and uniquely designed for 21st-century passionate, curious, and inquisitive kingdom ambassadors, whose search for God and truth can't be satisfied by baseless proclamations and religious rhetoric. Presently, I don't know of any school of ministry with the courses in the GFCSM online school program. This is what leadership is about; opening new frontiers and refusing to lead from behind.

3) GFCSM doesn't only educate and equip those called into the five-fold ministry but has an extensive vision and resources to equip marketplace leaders from all walks of life.

4) GFCSM is a pace-setting kingdom mandate for the 21st-century church. By the providence of the Almighty God, GFCSM is one of the very few schools of ministry with sound biblical revelations, which you would rarely come across cheaply.

If Jesus Christ said, he was not the light of the world, he would have been telling a lie. If we say GFCSM isn't a pace-setting and groundbreaking 21st-century revolutionary Christian leadership vision, we would simply be telling a lie.

This isn't cheap publicity, but undeniable facts. Jesus wept over Jerusalem for not knowing the time of her visitation.

A new move of God is on the horizon, don't miss out.

Join this chariot now! Enroll now! DrBenard Etta 


Dr.Benard Etta speaking in Tulsa Oklahoma 2014

Religion is like a virus!

Religion is like a virus; it attacks basic common sense and prudence. It is a baseless and senseless pursuit of God due to inadequate divine illumination. Deliverance from religion is the fundamental requirement in accessing the Divine.

It's interesting to note that, those who crucified Christ were religious people. Why? Christ was a threat to their religious domination, manipulation, and control of the masses.

If Christ returns to earth today, religious people would still seek to kill him. Religion is the most vicious enemy of humankind.

The world is divided between a minority who truly know God and a majority of religious people who believe in God but don't know Him.

Where do you belong?


Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom. Col 3:16a