Global Faith Coalition's Posts (267)

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Speaking in Tongues was the initial evidence of the Baptism of the Holy Spiri on the Day of Pentecost as recorded in Acts 2:1-4, also when Peter preached in the home of Cornelius, Acts 10:44-46, and when the Christians in Ephesus received the Holy Spirit (Acts 19:1-7). Please read these scriptural verses.

If you ask my take, I would prefer that every believer should desire the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. It isn't that it is the only sign that someone has received the Holy Spirit but because of its importance in the prayer life of a Christian. Read Romans 8:26 and 1 Corinthians 14:2.

Every gift of the Spirit can be idolised and abused; today, we have "pentecostal people" who speak in tongues, but you can't see the evidence of the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Why? They have exalted the gift above the person of the Holy Spirit. So, He has withdrawn his presence and left them with an empty language, which at times is just another activity in futility.

I have met Evangelical and Baptist believers and ministers who don't speak in tongues but have more of the Spirit's fruits evident in them than Pentecostals who speak in tongues. So, someone can receive the Holy Spirit without speaking in tongues, but if they open up to the Holy Spirit to express Himself through them via the heavenly language, it will be helpful in their prayer life. Read the entire 1 Corinthains 13 & 14.

We need both the Gifts and Fruits of the Spirit to be balanced and effective in our ministry to the body of Christ and the world. However, if I were to choose, I would prefer someone with the fruits of the Spirit than someone with the gifts of the Spirit without the fruits.

The Pentecostal movement is in the mess we see today because of the emphasis on the gifts of the Spirit over the fruits. Galatians 5:22-23.

Dr Benard Etta, GFC Visionary

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If the above question is put forth in a gathering of gospel ministers, a majority will tell you that it is finance, but that is 'A Challenge'' not "The Challenge."

If you give someone millions who don't have the proper foundation for ministry, they will build buildings and acquire multiple material assets, but they won't have what it takes to build God's people; talk less of taking their streets for Christ.

The present challenge of ministry in Africa from a revelatory perspective is that most individuals in ministry have adopted ministry patterns borrowed from individuals considered externally successful in ministry, but like the Laodicean church, these individuals and their denominations are wretched and miserable, poor, blind, and naked. Revelation 3:14-19.

In addition, some of these patterns borrowed by most individuals are from men and women who have joined occultic circles to make it BIG IN THEIR DEFINITION OF MINISTRY.

You may be asking what makes the above THE CHALLENGE OF MINISTRY IN AFRICA?

1) These patterns are the curses holding back most African cities and nations today from true spiritual transformation. You can only see this if God opens your eyes. You may be surprised if I say that not up to 10 churches are recognised by God in most of our nations' cities.

Why? The people leading them are "pseudo ministers" operating on their own, doing their thing as it seems good to them. They go wherever the wind blows and don't care if what they are doing conforms to God's pattern as long as it gives them the vanities and fame they are searching for.

Unless these patterns are abandoned for proper biblical patterns of ministry, this generation will wander in the wilderness like the Jews, and their carcases will fall, but they will not enter the "promised land" ordained for their time.

2) It is the challenge because it doesn't matter what God is saying; they aren't listening as long as it doesn't conform to what they have borrowed. If Jesus tarries 100 years from now, and things continue this way, when those in the future look back to this time, they will weep unconsolable.

If these patterns are not dropped, go and wake all the God's generals from their graves to come and hold revival programs, it will only last while they are still around; when they leave, it will go with them. The thorns will chock it.

We see these things, but we can't do much; why? They have made up their minds to keep alive these idols.



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In my interaction within the church world with gospel ministers in Africa and globally, I've met several types of ministers. Let me share briefly about the first four on my list.

1) Those who called themselves Into the Ministry

I Kings 1: 5: Then Adonijah, the son of Haggith, exalted himself, saying, I will be king: and he prepared him chariots and horsemen, and fifty men to run before him.

Those in this group are merely ambitious to be called gospel ministers with titles of (Apostle, Prophet, Prophetess, Evangelist, Bishop, Pastor, etc. because they see the ministry as an easy path to making a living, acquiring wealth and gaining recognition.

To those in this group, it doesn't matter how many guest speakers they invite to their self-style churches; it doesn't improve the quality of their kingdom work since a tree must first be a tree to bear fruits.

If you are in this group, there is hope for you. Be truthful to yourself; seek the Lord and find his plan for your life and follow it. In addition, submit under a word-based Apostolic-Prophetic and Teaching ministry where you can be told the raw, undiluted truth about the kingdom life and ministry.

Ephesians 4: 11: 14

2) The second group are those having a genuine call upon their lives but lack someone to guide them. 

As a result, they go with the wind. Whatever other purported ministers do that produces results, whether, from God or the occult, they will copy it, hoping for the same results. Those in this category are like sheep without a shepherd; they keep travelling and attending programs here and there; some have multiple individuals they call mentors, all in their effort to find a sense of fulfilment and success in ministry but to no avail.

If care is not taken, they can easily join the ranks of Magicians on the pulpit out of desperation to remove the reproach of their barrenness in ministry, but that isn't the solution.

The solution is to wrestle with God like Jacob (Genesis 32:22-28) and Jabez (I Chronicles 4:10) and learn under sound fivefold ministers whom heaven has prepared, equipped and sent.

3) The third category comprises those who aren't looking for God but a career through the ministry. When serving under any leader, they always seek promotion within the ranks to secure a good life. They are in love with bureaucracy, and like the Pharisees, their passion for the institution of the "church" is more than for God's kingdom. Why? It is where they work (Career).

4) Those called, prepared, equipped and sent by God. Those in this group are few. It is easy to accomplish much for the Lord with those in this last group because they have a solid foundation and understand how the kingdom works.

What hope has someone in the first, second and third groups? Can something be done to get them on track? Yes, but they must accept mentorship under leaders who will tell them the truth as it is not sugarcoated gospel. 

Glatians 4: 1-2Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all; But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father.

I'm just thinking out loud!

Dr Benard Etta, GFC Visionary

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The spirit of religion is the real "wahala" on earth today, not Satan, as most people presume. The forces of darkness employ religion in carrying out their heinous plans and agenda more than they use demons. To move people forward, you must liberate them from the spirit of religion.
The spirit of religion is so dangerous because it always appears as an exponent of God's kingdom, but actually, it is an opponent of it. It wasn't the devil that crucified Christ nor persecuted the early church, but the spirit of religion.
What is the spirit of religion?
👉The spirit of religion constitutes all the "things" we do in God's name, but not based on Truth and far from what bothers God's heart.👈
The spirit of religion builds churches, ordain's ministers, and organises gospel crusades and conferences. It baptises people and does many things in God's name as long as Truth is not part of the agenda.
For instance, the spirit of religion may say, let's come together and pray for revival, but when the Truth about revival is presented, it opposes it.
Let's train ministers, but when the Truth about training and ordaining ministers is revealed, it opposes it.
The spirit of religion loves church activities; in fact, it sponsors them as long as the Truth is not part of the agenda. Why do you think some ministers of God face real opposition while others are unopposed? Listen! It isn't a matter of anointing or grace but Truth.
Those with the Truth are targets everywhere, not those with money, fame, or whatever. Christ said to those who believed in Him, "Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:31-32.
Christ wasn't speaking to some unbelievers but Jews who already believed in Him. He was pointing them to what matters. Why?
The reason is that merely believing in Christ does not set anyone free. You don't have to look farther, looking at most Christian nations you know or the multitudes sitting in most churches. Are they free? Do you know why they are not free? Most Church folks are being protected from the Truth.
90% of people within churches and denominations are ignorant of the Truth. Some of their "leaders" spiritually are like prison wardens employed by the spirit of religion to keep them in religious cells of spiritual ignorance.
When you are a carrier of the Truth, such religious Synagogues will have nothing to do with you because they are scared of an upset in their private detention camps. The devil is a liar; we will fight and resist them with the Truth until most of their captives are free.
The spirit of religion is not against people believing in Jesus; it patronises that, but its greatest battle is to prevent them from knowing the Truth because that is what brings freedom.
Some of you may be sincerely mistaken in your religious zeal, void of Truth. Such religious zeal empowers the spirit of religion. Some of you sow into the spirit of religion unconsciously, but the last thing you would do is to transfer the same commitment to supporting the cause of Truth.
Do you know why? The forces of darkness know that as long as millions of good people ignorantly promote and propagate blind religion, humanity will remain in bondage.
The world is presently overburdened by the spirit of religion. God is raising a generation of Christ revolutionaries to liberate the nations from the spirit of religion, and their greatest weapon is the Truth. Would you join this revolution?
DrBenard Etta
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There are a few things we must know. Even Satan is not 100% wrong all the time. That is why he has followers. Sometimes Satan does good deeds and inspires people with ideas and inventions that alleviate people's sufferings, but that doesn't make him good. The wise will understand!

If Satan was 100% evil, how on earth would he deceive and win people over? The side of Satan that looks good is what lures people who aren't discerning to follow him.

Have you thought about the success he had in heaven in deceiving 1/3 of the Angels? Go back to Genesis and read his conversation with Eve; if you take away discernment, everything Satan told Eve about the benefits of eating the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden looks good, but see the consequences on them and humanity.

That said, don't conclude about a preacher because of some good aspect of the person's ministry or teachings; check the consequence of the error they are pushing across the church world using the platform of the things they got right.

Because someone teaches some biblical stuff, that doesn't mean you should become blind to the person's unbiblical teachings.

Do some research on the teachings of the Nicolaitans and of Balaam.

Revelation: 2: 6
But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.

Revelation 2: 14-15
But I have a few things against thee because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumbling block before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication. So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate.

Look at this
Deut 13:1-3

If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder, And the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them; Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that Prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for the LORD your God proveth you, to know whether ye love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul.

The Prophet or dreamer gave a sign or wonder, and it came to pass, but when he says, "Go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and serve them; Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet."

Did you get that!

Because someone gets it right in some things that don't validate their errors, but children of God don't get this! We must have our spiritual antenna up and be wise. There is so much deception out there and coming from popular preachers. 

May the Lord grant us discernment. 

Dr Etta                                                                                                                                                                                                GFC Visionary

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"But we preach Christ crucified." 1Cor 1:23.

☝️The above dimension of the revelation of Christ is related to what He accomplished on the cross. However, the revelation of Christ is more extensive and encompassing than the "finished work on the cross." To preach Christ, you have to ask yourself, Who is Christ?

👉First, Christ is the Word that was in the beginning with God and was God but became flesh and dwelled among men. John 1:1, John 1: 14.

👉Where does this understanding of the revelation of Christ lead?

Check this!👇🏼

Revelation 22:13
And he said unto me, "It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end."

👉Look at the phrase " I am the beginning and the end." Is that the Christ you preach? 👉I am the beginning (Genesis) and the End(Revelation). 👈

👉To preach Christ is to see Christ through the 66 books of the Bible. If all you know about Christ is the revelation of "Him crucified," you are narrow in your perspective.

You can't define an Elephant by touching its leg or ears, but that is what most preachers and teachers who are causing so much distraction and confusion within the body of Christ are doing?

👉All apostolic fathers throughout history had this understanding and revelation. That is why John the Apostle wrote, "I write unto you, fathers because ye have known him that is from the beginning."
1 John 2: 13.

👉Did you get that? Fathers have a revelation of Christ that stretches from the Beginning (Genesis) throughout the Bible.

🔥Someone should tell these preachers who are setting confusion with their narrow perspective of the revelation of Christ to calm down, unlearn and relearn.

👉When you genuinely preach Christ, you will preach the whole counsel of God.

"For I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God." Acts 20:27

That is where preaching Christ leads-The Whole Counsel of God. Christ is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning( Genesis) and the End (Revelation). No one spreads heresies who see Christ from the above holistic perspective.

James 1:5
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.

👉If you want more of such insight, join the GFC School of Ministry's August-October Program on Biblical Chemistry. 👇
Sign Up:

Dr Benard Etta
GFC Visionary

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What precedent Does It Set?

In life, an error could lead to another. Once a precedent is established, watch out for what follows next. We have seen it before, and by God's grace, we can tell you where it leads before it happens.

When some of us rise to defend the truth against falsehood in any area, we aren't only addressing a single issue but raising a standard against the dangerous precedent errors set.

The scripture says, "Remove not the ancient landmark thy fathers have set." Proverbs 22:28.

 Some things are not to be changed irrespective of our progress in our so-called human civilization. We are talking about fundamental biblical beliefs, values and principles.

If you remove them, you will consciously or unconsciously set a dangerous precedent that only leads to further errors and damnable heresies.

2 Peter 2: 1

But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them and bring upon themselves swift destruction.

 During my more than three decades of walking with the Lord, I've seen people cut off prematurely due to their unrepentant attitude in spreading damnable heresies despite warnings from the Lord and elderly "kingdom statesmen."

 We are not supposed to remove the ancient landmarks of Biblical Christianity. They are fundamental to who we are and what we believe, and when we have the effrontery to remove them, it always leads down a dangerous path.

Below are 20 Deceptions taught by JOSEPH PRINCE, By Rev Al Horta, someone I respect for his solid stand on true biblical Christianity.

When you remove one of the landmarks, you may end up removing all and creating your version of the gospel. It starts but may not end. Our Lord Jesus warned us of false teachers deceptively coming in His name while deceiving many believers. (Matthew. 24:4-5) .

Can anyone be saved while trusting in such lies?

1. Asking for forgiveness is unnecessary for believers.

2. The doctrine of repentance from sin is not for believers.

3. Preaching the law (Principles) makes people sin more.

4. We are righteous even if we are not.

5. Unconditional forgiveness.

6. God does not judge nations for wickedness.

7. If God judges people today, He should apologize to Jesus.

8. Believers aren't punished for sin.

9. We will not face punishment if we don't obey the truth.

10. The Word of God and the word of Christ don't agree.

11. Christians cannot commit the unpardonable sin.

12. Once a person is saved, they can never be lost.

13. Jesus' teaching is not applicable; it's Old Testament.

14. Confession of sin is not about repentance.

15. I John is for the Gnostics, not the church.

16. Confession of sin is unnecessary.

17. Paul didn't teach confession of sins.

18. An evil conscience convicts you of sin and failure.

19. The Holy Spirit does not convict us of sin.

20. The Holy Spirit only convicts us of righteousness.

Do you notice anything? If you agree with the above, you need urgent help, but no one can help you if you lack humility. PONDER!

Dr Benard Etta

GFC Visionary 

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When God spoke of tithes in Mal 3:10, his idea was 👉that there may be food( Provision) in His house).

It was not to provide ministers with the means to live extravagantly, buy the most expensive cars, build multi-million dollar mansions, purchase private jets and spend on expensive holidays, etc.

God’s idea was for his house ( community of the saints) to have a functional economy that facilitates its operation and provides a support base for God's people when the need arises.

When there is no (Provision) in the house of God, its functionality will be impaired. Ministers and God's children in need may not find help in the house of God ( Community of the saints), exposing them to help from the ”worldly, which at times brings ridicule to the name of the Lord.

It is a fact that adventures and opportunists masquerading as ministers and some modern preachers have abused it for self-aggrandisement. However, the idea is still valid, and the house of God in every era will always need provision.

Throwing away a divine concept because of its abuse is the same as throwing away a $100.00 because of an existing counterfeit $100.00 bill.

People shouldn’t be intimidated to give tithes or any other offerings. They should be taught and allowed to act based on knowledge, not fear.

Some of the attacks against tithes and offerings due to their abuse by charlatans and some modern preachers are playing in the hands of lukewarm churchians who don't care about God's interest, and the overall strategy of the devil is to defund the institution of the church.

I'm not into pastoral ministry, so we don't have a tithes system in Global Faith Coalition. I didn't write this for us but to correct an error gradually finding its way into the mainstream, and the devil's end game is to defund the church at a time when so much financial strength is required for the engagements of the last days.

Paying tithes and giving offerings doesn't make one a better child of God than those who don't, but it reveals where our hearts are and who we are serving; God or mammon. Matthew 6:21. Mark 12:17, Matthew 6:24.

That said, giving tithes and offerings to ”yahoo, yahoo boys” masquerading as gospel ministers is an activity in futility. Give to ministers and ministries which are after the kingdom of God. May the Lord give us discernment and wisdom.

It is okay for Pastor Creflo Dollar to repent of the errors in the way he taught on tithes through the years, but presenting his newly found grace message as truth that makes giving tithes and offerings obsolete is a greater error that only helps Satan but hurts the church and impairs the economic viability of the church.

Christ didn't only come with Grace but with grace and truth. Matt 23:23, John 1:17.

I am afraid of today's emphasis on grace, which ignores Truth. It is already landing many honourable men and women into error.

May God help us all

DrBenard Etta

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Rev Al Horta's series on Damnable heresies on GFC 24/7 ONE-STOP RADIO is a Must Listen.

Christ and the Apostles warned us about the rise of false Prophets and Teachers in the Last Days. The good news is that the word of God has every available information to keep you from the deception and delusion of the last days.

I encourage everyone to follow Rev Al Horta's series on Damnable heresies on GFC 24/7 ONE-STOP RADIO. In the series, Rev Al Horta exposes the errors in today's understanding of the prophetic ministry; the "once save always save teachings," universalism doctrine and others. A highly recommended series.

You can follow the program daily, from 6:00 Pm to 6:30 pm ET (New York), 5:00 am to 5:30 am (WAT), and 7:00 am to 7:30 am (EAT) on GFC 24/7 One-Stop Radio (Global Faith Coalition Radio).

Download Part 1 of the series, Damnable Heresies, via the link below.


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Thinking Inspiration and Revelation, think GFC 24/7 One-Stop Radio.

Let's go🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️👨‍👩‍👦🔥❤️🌎 👇👇🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️

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When we received Christ (John 1:12) some 37 years ago, we studied the word humbly under the tutelage of more mature brethren for several years—searching the scripture daily, asking questions and discussing the answers like Christ at the age of twelve in the temple with the teachers.

We sat at the feet of the Lord and continued learning under the fivefold ministry to establish ourselves in the word. Even after we got into the ministry after years of service and learning, we didn't stop unlearning and relearning under the school of the Holy Spirit and men and women of the word.

Today, we have people who didn't attend adult Sunday school parading as Apostles, Prophets and Bishops, etc. They shout their errors from the rooftops, but you can't help them. They know it all!

Apollos humbled himself despite his loudness to learn under Aquila and Priscilla, mentees of the Apostle Paul. Acts 18:23-26.

Paul didn't start Damascus ministries after his encounter with Christ on his way to Damascus but became part of the Church in Antioch. Acts 13:1-3, where he was commissioned.

After some years, he travelled to Jerusalem to meet with the Apostles to share what he was preaching to the Gentiles. Why? He didn't want to walk in error without knowing, which may result in him running the race in vain.
Galatians 2:1-2.

Today, we have a generation of young people who haven't had a testimony of a walk with God or established in the word but want to teach their errors to people they should be humbly learning from with all humility.

It has become part of today's gospel for people to express their opinions as biblical truths.

I weep for those sitting and drinking from such a fountain of errors.

The claim of learning from the Holy Spirit without the humility to learn from human instruments the Holy Spirit uses to equip the Saints is pride that invites destruction. Ephesians 4:11-14.

James 3:1 (NLT)
Dear brothers and sisters,* not many of you should become teachers in the church, for we who teach will be judged more strictly.👈👈👈

Just as false prophets are dangerous, the scripture warned us of false teachers in the last days.

We all must walk with the Lord in this crucial hour with humility and discernment. The days are evil!

May the Lord help us🙏🙏

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Jeremiah 1:10 mandate.

The order and strategy of Jeremiah 1:10 are still relevant today in our quest to rescue our cities and nations from the evil forces holding our people.

👉Root out

👉Pull Down


👉Throw Down



When Should You Build And Plant?

After the first four have taken place. You can't expect a harvest if you sow in a forest. The clearing must first take place.

It isn't a mandate for chicken-hearted people nor reeds swayed by the wind and men in soft raiment in kings' houses. Matthew 11:7-8.

If you enjoy drama within a comfortable building, this may be too radical for you, but that is how it is done.

You can't take a city and nation for Christ without understanding the strategy in Jeremiah 1:10.

God is raising the men and women to do just that in Sub-Saharan Africa!

👉My mission is to mentor them.
So, help me, God!

DrBenard Etta


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(Charlatans defend and Protect Charlatans)

✝ Ephesians 5:11

"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them."

What Are We Not Going To See At This End of Time? When has denouncing iniquity in high and low places become wrong and silence in the face of evil become right?

How can someone who claims to be a kingdom citizen think we shouldn't be denouncing the Charlatans masquerading as Apostles and Prophets making a mockery of the faith once delivered to the saints? Jude 1:2-4.

Why were the servants of God throughout history not silent about the iniquity of God's people and the nations?

✝ Isaiah 58:1

"Cry aloud, spare not, lift up your voice like a trumpet, and show my people their transgression and the house of Jacob their sins."

When has it become wisdom for a shepherd not to protect the flock from wolves in sheep's clothing?

Why did Jesus storm the Temple and beat the hell out of the money changers and dove sellers? 👉The Zeal of his Father's House.👈

They say we should be mute and leave everything in God's hands. Really!!

I thought they knew that we are God's hands and feet. Arch Bishop Benson Idahosa of blessed memory told the chief witch that God does not need to come down to stop them when he is there. That's the Spirit!

Why can't we also stop preaching and teaching God's word and leave everything with Christ to build His Church? I wonder what Bible people read these days.

How did we know what happened in the garden of Eden if it wasn't voiced and written?

I'm sure those who wrote about Samson's immoral life to warn us today of such a pitfall were destroying Israel, God's Old Testament Church?

Why were the rebukes of Christ to the churches in Revelations 2 & 3 not kept secret to avoid spreading negative vibes against the church?

I am sure if they were in the days of the early church, they would have rebuked Jude, Paul and Peter, who wrote extensively about these false prophets and teachers we are seeing today.

I'm sure they have issues with the author of David's affair with Beersheba. It shouldn't have been in the Bible. 😀😀😀😀😀

When you have a secret love affair with some of these charlatans masquerading as Apostles and Prophets messing up the gospel landscape, your stomach will bite when someone post or write about them to educate and caution the saints.

We can't stop educating the saints about these brood of vipers because someone thinks they are a part of the body of Christ. Laughable!

Soon even Satan will become a member of the body of Christ. 😀😀😀😀When that happens, if ever it does, we must not attempt to rebuke him anymore because that may divide the "body of Christ." 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀

For goodness sake, these people are causing havoc, and most believers are falling for their scam because of their lack of light. God's people have to speak out and distance themselves from these dramatists using the name of Christ to deceive.

Today, thousands of gullible Pentecostals are being educated and are coming out of the grip of these clowns worldwide, and some insecure church folks want everyone educating God's children to keep quiet.

Oh yes, they are fanning the flames. As long as God's children are being educated and set free, we aren't going to be silent.

What Church of Jesus Christ do we think these Profits destroying His church are a part of?

It is maturity at times to say nothing if one has nothing to say but to wish that the saints stay mute about an ongoing war against the church that makes anyone promoting such a campaign a 👉suspect.👈

Lucifer 😈 now has his advocates on several church pulpits who are sympathetic to his devilish cause and are defending him everywhere.

It is war! We won't be silent!
No Retreat! No Surrender!
So, help us, God!

✝ Ephesians 5:11

"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them."

May God help us

DrBenard Etta

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One of the ways wars are won by forces waging war against each other is by infiltrating their opponent's army or government for espionage and sabotage.

It is an ancient strategy, but shockingly, we still have people claiming to be warriors who don't get it. Intelligent military and governments invest whatever it takes to uncover and uproot those serving the interest of their enemies from within their ranks.

Do you know why? 👉Meet me on my mentorship platform.👈

When Israel left Egypt, there were those within them whose sole vision was to take them back to Egypt. They used every slightest crisis to campaign for a return to Egypt.

Infiltrators are real! The King of Moab infiltrated the camp of Israel with Moabite women. They needed to lure the children of Israel into committing whoredom with them, provoking the anger of God against Israel.
Numbers 25:1-3.

Delilah was an infiltrator in the life of Samson; although masquerading as a wife, she was working for the Philistines against Samson.

Most nations have spies working within governments, military and intelligence services of other countries to carry out espionage ( The practice of spying to obtain political and military information.

The Pentecostal movement, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, has been highly infiltrated by the occult, and sadly, the infiltrators have been more intelligent than the leaders of the movement in most nations, especially Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Malawi and have hijacked entire populations of pentecostal Christians who mistook them for men of God.

It is a battle for the church's soul that must be fought and won.

In Revelation 2:2, Christ congratulated the church of Ephesus for fishing out the infiltrators that invaded the church masquerading as Apostles.

The leaders of the church of Ephesus weren't ignoramuses in warfare. They knew how to test those faking as Apostles, but they were not.

The Pentecostal movement in every nation in Sub-sahara Africa desperately needs leaders of the kind of the church of Ephesus. Brethren, this is a 21st-century war against the church's soul that must be won.

We were born for such a time as this for this mission. We must stop them, or else they will destroy the harvest. This is war!

We must save the ignorant flock from their mouths. I call on volunteers to join this army that sheds no blood and fight using the truth of God's word. We must liberate our cities and nations from this brood of vipers.

Join this chariot now!
DrBenard Etta

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The African Church Must Change Its Course


While some missions in the USA and Europe are still sponsoring missionaries in Africa, we have African preachers with more than 10 to 50 exotic cars worth more than $100.000.00 each in their garages.

How many cars does a preacher ride on at once?

When we preach about hastening the return of the Lord while living like that, how do we expect the people to believe us?

Somewhere in Africa, the race among preachers is on becoming a member of the club of private Jet owners in a continent where millions of our people are fleeing to Europe and the USA, with so many dying in the Mediterranean sea and the forest of South American countries as they strive to get to Europe and the USA respectively.

If Christ told the rich young ruler then to sell what he had and give to the poor, today He is saying to our modern Laodicean church leaders to sell these vanities and invest in the gospel aggressively and give back to society by opening factories and others to employ the unemployed amass as a bridge-building strategy to win souls, knowing fully well that we don't have all the time at our side.

The people are cursing us for withholding corn.


✝ Proverbs 11:26

"He that withholds corn, the people shall curse him: but blessing shall be upon the head of him that sells it."

Listen, and hear me. The change we are yearning for in the body of Christ is not with the Outgoing generation but with you, the emerging ones.

Don't expect those of the Outgoing generation to share this perspective.

Most of them are done with their race and are preparing to exit.

The emerging generation must respect them but not make the mistake of considering the parameters their generation highlighted as success in life and ministry to become yours.

E.g., Their obsession with ordinations for the titles of Bishop, Arch-Bishops, Most senior Apostle, Major, etc., and achievements of building the Largest Cathedral, enjoying an expensive lifestyle, owning fleets of cars, private Jets, huge foreign bank accounts, and sophisticated security details etc., etc.

We bless God for them and what He used them to accomplish, but as a generation operating in the last seconds of the last days, our perspective of life and ministry must be fine-tuned by the word and Spirit of God.

I hope to teach this briefly in an audio message and share it with you.

Let's make Christ; the author and finisher of our faith, our pattern for ministerial life.

Don't kill yourself trying to fit in; stand out. There is a paradigm shift.

If you hang around a little longer on earth, you will see the shift in reality.

What has been esteemed and celebrated and some idolised within the Pentecostal movement will soon fade for an era of genuine spiritual awakening.

People will soon cast away their idols of (faith bracelets, water, bangles, soap, salt, coconut, perfume, frame photos and other merchandise) from their soothsayers masquerading as Prophets to seek God in truth.

Those who were patient with the truth and didn't fall for the hype will be more on-demand than they can respond.

God will judge the sorcerers that took over several quarters of the Pentecostal movement, and the people they fooled will curse their memory.

Heaven is getting ready, but the question is, are we ready?

May the Lord fine-tune your spirit.

Stop seeking the living among the dead.

May the Lord grant you understanding. 🔥🔥

Stay blessed

DrBenard Etta
GFC Visionary

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The church goes as the ministers go. The Repositioning of the church is linked to the Repositioning of Ministers and Ministries. We have drifted, and the effects are evident in the state of the Body of Christ and our nations. God is not glorified when we function out of his Order. It is better to pause and get back into alignment with God's order than to be busy with Out of Order ministry activities.


👉Praying in anticipation of a Move of God in our cities and nations when operating out of God's Order for New Testament Ministry is "Ignorance On 🔥Fire."


👉We are fascinated by Elijah, whose prayers brought down fire, but we sometimes ignore the steps he took. 👉(He repaired the altar of the Lord and used stones, not mud, to rebuild it. 1Kgs 18:30-32. If we want the fire of God in our cities and nations, we must repair the torn altars. E.g.,👉 The altar of Righteousness.


👉You aren't a father because you have children. Anyone can have children, but not everyone is a father. ’Fathers are made.’ Gen 17:5. Fatherhood is a capacity to guide, train, mentor and inspire the next generation via exemplary character & Wisdom.


👉Philippians 2:5-11 unveils the Christ mindset and Lifestyle we all need. The quest for Celebrity Status is incompatible with the call to serve the Lord as His Ambassadors. We must return to the place of humility to walk in true spiritual authority. The men and women who turned the world of their time upside right for Christ died to most of the things we strive for today. #Repositioning


👉It is possible to build a church house, gather people under its roof, travel locally and internationally in the guise of preaching the gospel and not be recognised by God as His Ambassador ( minister). Matt 7:22. Ministry is God working through a man or woman He called, Prepared, Equipped and Sent to carry out the will of God on earth as it is in heaven. It is a selfless work only possible by dying and denying self daily and carrying our cross as we follow in the footsteps of our Master, Jesus Christ. It is such a minister and ministry that hell dreads. Phil 2: 5-11. #Repositioning


👉Those called, prepared, equipped and sent by God aren't looking for the front seat or a place in the Sanhedrin. Why? They are crucified with Christ; the life they live in the body is to please God, not to play to the gallery for fame and worldly vanities. To them, it is all about doing the will of God with the desire to hear the Lord say on the final day, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant." That's it!


👉A valley of dry bones needs someone under God's command with the Word and Spirit to raise an army for the Lord. Dry bones can become a great Army by the Word and Spirit of God, not through the hype of arranged miracles and prophecies.


👉When dry bones in an open valley are told to pay money to stand in the prayer line of a purported preacher or see the minister and buy so-called anointed (water, oil)for miracles, it is an affront to the gospel of Christ. Can these bones live?


👉Can These Bones Live? Yes, but the need has not changed. It takes Selfless men and women of God, who aren't mere pulpit performers, attention and fame seekers, but individuals whose passion is the glory of God. This generation needs more of such.


👉Christ gave to the church (The body of Christ), Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Teachers and Pastors, not to your local church or denomination. Your local church is just an atom in the body of Christ. That is why you can't be everything God has ordained if you don't stretch your roots beyond your four walls to tap spiritual nutrients from the fivefold ministry gifts in the body of Christ. Establish a relationship with Christ, the head of the church, and He will reveal his body to you. The reason is that not everyone who professes to be a believer or preacher is a member of the body of Christ. Matthew 7:21.


👉God does not send anyone merely because of His calling on their life; He calls, prepares, equips and sends. That is the order! Many have aborted their purpose by sending themselves when God hasn't prepared (Trained) and equipped them for their assignment. Adequate preparation will result in precision and clarity in executing or implementing an assignment. Christ invested 18 years in preparation for a 3 1/2 years assignment. Today, the reverse is true. We want to invest 3 1/2 years for a 30 years assignment. How is that possible?


👉You were either sent, or you just went. There may be 100 individuals in a city operating as General Overseers of churches, but among them, they may be just three sent by God. That is the crisis our modern Pentecostalism has created that needs to be corrected. Churches in every street corner may not be a sign of revival but disorder, which may delay or hinder true spiritual awakening in a nation. When hands want to become feet and ears, heart, you shouldn't expect revival but ruin.


👉"Repositioning New Testament Ministers And Ministries" is the Course Of the 2022 GFC Int'l Online School of Ministry.
Divine reconstruction. Join us


Dr Etta


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Looking For A City


✝ Hebrews 11:10

"For he looked for a city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God."
You must be looking for something before you can recognise it when you see it.

What are you looking for? 😗

Those with a Quest can't Rest until they find what they seek ( Seek and you shall find).

Those are the people God does business with, not lethargic individuals.

As a leader, I can attest to the difficulty of leading people who have settled (who aren't aspiring or looking for anything).

Pa Abraham, at the age of 75, when most people retire, chose to re-fire.

Why? He was looking for something. What was it?

The scripture says he was looking for a city with foundations.

Did you get that!

Cities and nations need foundations. That's what I dedicated my life to research for close to two decades, and the discoveries I made are the bedrock of the vision of Nation Builders International.👉

Politics only further destroys a nation if the nation isn't built on a solid foundation. That's why most countries are in a mess (Weak Foundations).

Abraham was looking for a city with foundations whose Builder and Maker is God. Did you get that!

Abraham, who lived over 4000 years ago, had a revelation of God most modern believers don't have.

He knew God as a Builder and Maker.

Do we have cities, communities, societies and nations whose Builder and Maker is God? Do you know any?

It seems they are not, and why?

The answer is obvious. God won't come down to build our cities and nations. They must be godly people with the vision of Nation-Building He can work through.

Do such people exist in our churches?

Oh yes, just a remnant, but sadly, they view them as pursuing an unspiritual project that isn't kingdom.

That is a mindset that has turned the church within most nations into an "Absentee Landlord."

The church, for more than 2000 years, has done so little to inspire the saints to participate in the Building of their Cities, nations and societies.

A New Era is here, and a generation of God's people are awakening to this critical mission.

Join us👇👇
Nation Builders International

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How To Recognise A Charlatan Masquerading As A Gospel Minister

👇👇✝ Jude 1:3-4

"Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was necessary for me to write unto you and exhort you that all of you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints."

"For there are certain men crept in unexpectedly, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ."

One of the undeniable facts of this era is the infiltration of the Pentecostal & Charismatic movement by pseudo ministers and ministries. It is so sad but true. The church is under attack from within.

The pentecostal and charismatic movement once, a beacon of light to those seeking a more intimate and personal relationship with Almighty God, has been infiltrated by "merchantmen and women" and occultists masquerading as the anointed of God.
Acts 8:9-25.

Some believe that speaking out is unnecessary and divisive. Others will say, "Leave God to judge," contrary to the instruction of the Lord in 1John 4:4-5, Jude 1:3-4, Revelation 2:2, vs 13-16, vs 20-23. Matthew 7:15-20.

Watchmen can't stay silent. They will play their role to inform you, but you have to decide how to use the information given to you.

Below are a few points from the scripture, coupled with the research I have carried out to assist you in discerning the charlatans masquerading as God's anointed.

The revival we are praying for won't come unless, like Elijah the prophet, we lead this generation of prophets of Baal and Groves into another mount Carmel encounter.

How To Discern Them

1) They are more into self-promotion than Christ and his kingdom advancement. That is why part of their strategy is to ensure that you have their image with you either as a framed photo or on the merchandise ( so-called anointed soap, oil, handkerchief, a bottle of water, bangles and the things they sell for miracles.

Ministers of the gospel are to promote Christ and not themselves. Acts 14:8-15,

2) They sell so-called anointed merchandise ( oil, water, soap, perfume, bangles, bracelets and others) for miracles.

The power of God is not for sale. It isn't just a. New Testament rule. In the Old Testament, Elisha didn't collect Naaman's gifts.
2 Kings 5:1-6, Acts 8:20.

Can you imagine the Apostolic fathers selling these things to people for miracles or the pioneers of the Pentecostal movement?

We can anoint the sick with oil, as the Bible says, but; it must not be a particular oil we sell to the sick. It is better if the people come with their oil to dispel all doubts.

We can pray over water and give it to someone who believes in divine healing if we are led to minister that way, but it shouldn't be special water we package for the people to buy.

It isn't the water or oil that heals but the Holy Spirit. Thus, with the abuses we see today, the wise and mature men and women of God have stopped using water and oil to minister during public meetings. They know God can heal and deliver without those things.

I have studied the history of great revivals and movements of God's people; I can't remember anything so messed up like our modern-day pentecostal and charismatic movement, especially in Sub-Sahara, Africa.

3) They are obsessed with fame, and they love to trend on social media and public squares. They enjoy propaganda and anything(real or Fake) that makes them famous.

4) They can never stop sleeping around with anything on a skit ( fornication, Adultery, and Homosexuality) are their lifestyle. If you defend them on Monday, be ready to live your life covering and defending them. They will never stop. Why? That is part of the covenant they made before Satan for his anointing and favour( Satanic grace & favour).

They will tell you about David as if that was his lifestyle. There is no record of King David's affair with any other lady after Beersheba. That is the impact of genuine repentance. Ephesians 5:3.

5) They have impunity in the way they live and do things. They can "sleep" with any lady, including their pastors' wives, and not feel remorseful. They can do anything to advance themselves. I mean anything. So sad!

6) They don't rely on God to fight their battles since they know God is just the label they use for their "church business." While people hail them as men and women of God, they know they aren't.

They have top policemen and Hitmen on their payroll to hunt down anyone that challenges them and to cover their tracks.

7) They kill and offer human and other sacrifices to grow their church empires. These are desperados. Nothing to them is off-limit.

The members and those patronising them are under their spell, and they know it.

8) They spend so much on Public relations and have social media influencers on their payrolls to assist in rebranding them and fighting negative trends. These hired hustlers make a fortune from the above transactions.

The Holy Spirit is just an English name for them. They use carnal and demonic means to fight their battles.

9) They are unrepentant. When caught in any form of immorality and criminal activity, don't expect them to acknowledge their sins and repent. In few days after the scandal, they will organise a massive charitable program and televise it for the world to clap for them as loving and caring when it is mere PR scandal management.

10) They publicly defend their charlatan's colleagues and call on God's children to see them as God sent men and women.

If the above are the characteristics of any person you call spiritual father and submitting to, you are under a strong delusion. Run, run, run.

You aren't serving God under them but consciously or unconsciously serving and helping them build their self-style empires.

We are at injury time.
Run from such and ask God to reveal Himself to you.

Truth haters, go ahead and shoot your stones; as usual, it has zero impact on me. "I was prepared for such a time as this."


Visionary DrBenard Etta

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