The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple. Psalm 119:130

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Spiritual Journey!

2010931?profile=original"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD:" 1SA 1:18.

Point A............................ ...........Come!.....................................Point B

The distance between "Point A" and "Point B" is the reason for the word "COME." There exist a gap between humanity and divinity; the invitation "COME" is primarily intended to close that gap. 

Humanity operates at "Point A," while God operates at "Point B." God's greatest desire is to bring us into our rightful place in him, whe

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 Ezekiel 37:1-3. 

The hand of the LORD was upon me, and carried me out in the spirit of the LORD, and set me down in the midst of the valley which [was] full of bones, And caused me to pass by them round about: and, behold, [there were] very many in the open valley; and, lo, [they were] very dry. And he said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, O Lord GOD, thou knowest.

Son of Man; Men and women of God, Can these bones live? The challenge of God to a faithless generation

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Prayer is not a religious activity, but spiritual intercourse with God in heart travail for the birthing of his Kingdom and his will on earth as it is in heaven. Such prayers can not go unanswered! For instance, Hannah needed a Child and God needed a prophet. Hannah knowing the desire of heaven, she requested for a male child she would dedicate to serve God all the days of his life. She had the right sense of judgement to connect her need for a child to heaven's need for a prophet. Since God ne

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It is common today to see an online post saying words like "You shall make it big this year." "Money is coming your way," "I see you entering your own house." "The louder your Amen the greater your miracle." "Someone will receive a financial phone call today," if you are the one, type Amen!

If we are to write down the proclamations made each day on Facebook, no book in the world can contain them. I wonder how many follow up after making those pronouncements to find out if anything is really c

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What Do You Want To Change?

2010905?profile=originalThe passion for bringing change in any given area is the key to unlocking your potential. If you are not passionate about changing anything in your area of calling, then you are more likely to live a low-impact life with nothing to inspire present or future generations. You came to the world with unique physical features different from any other human being both in history and contemporary times, which is in itself an indication that you were sent on a unique mission to change something in your

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Nearly Can't Kill A Bird!


Acts 26: 28.

Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian. 

Getting close to victory is not victory; "Nearly Can't Kill A Bird." You either killed the bird, or you didn't. I know some of you may be wondering where we are heading with this reflection. We appreciate your curiosity; it is always a delight to talk to curious individuals who are longing to know the unknown. 

Now, give us your ears if you can. After Paul's lengthy message to King Agrippa, the king's respon

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John 6:27 -28. 

Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on him God, the Father has placed his seal of approval." Then they asked him, "What must we do to do the works God requires?" May the Lord bless his word in our hearts in Jesus name! 

What must we do to do the works of God? You may be asking the same question or wondering how to turn "your ministry" into a potential force of positive transformation in your city or

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Don't Be Fool!


There is much more to our existence on planet earth than mere survival. I define survival as the struggle to make ends-meet or to amass wealth for self-aggrandizement. Thus, the survival mindset is basically that of working solely to own a house, put food on one's table, get married, raise children, have a bank account, own a car or cars, own a plot of land, and "that's it, nothing more." 

Ironically, this is the sole vision of life the world is "selling" to us all. I said in Chicago last yea

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That I May Know Him! (Part 2)

That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; (Phi 3:10)

To work for Christ is good, but to know Christ is better. Sometime we think, by working so hard for God; we can impress him by the many things we do in his name, when actually he is more interested in getting us to know him than to work for Him. 

Remember Martha, she was busy about many things, but Jesus said, Mary has chosen the best part which cannot b

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Comments: 0

Believers are the most interesting people on earth to interact with; when you do, you would find many of their conceptions of the will of God to be very funny. One thing about God is that, He allows us to believe whatever we want about him, but if we choose to renew our minds and change our perspective by the revelation of truth, He would reveal to us the operations of his Kingdom.

There is no greater breakthrough in the kingdom of God as operating with the revelation of truth. Jesus said, ‘ye

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(When ye pray, say, Our Father who art in heaven,(Hallowed to be thy name)

For so long, our definition of worship has been limited to special moments when we sing, lift up our hands to praise the name of the lord. There is nothing wrong with singing, lifting up holy hands and praising God; but there is more to worship than the above. Christ told the woman of Samaria in the gospel of John, “Ye worship ye know not what.”

It’s more than two thousand years since Christ spoke those striking words to

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Whether we are conscious or not, our lives and all of existence are governed by Divine laws. These laws determine the operational dynamics of the universe and all of creation, and also explain cause and effect. Our survival, peace and prosperity as God's people and our ability to restore all things back to God, would greatly depend on our understanding of Divine laws and how they impact the whole of existence. We can't afford to settle where we are in our comprehension of the revelation of truth

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The kingdom of God is the only Kingdom without geographical, national, racial, tribal, ethnic and religious boundaries. Its values and principles are universal and timeless. When Joshua encountered the captain of the army of the lord, the scripture says, “and Joshua went unto him, and said unto him, Art thou for us, or for our adversaries? And he said, Nay; but as captain of the host of the LORD am I now come. Jos: 5:13-14.

Nay implies; I am neither for you, nor for your adversary; but as captai

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Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.Wherefore do ye spend money for [that which is] not bread? and your labour for [that which] satisfieth not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye [that which is] good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness. (Isa 55:1-2)

As powerful as money is with respect to purchasing power and global exchange, there are some things money can

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And he goeth up into a mountain, and calleth unto him whom he would: and they came unto him. And he ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach (Mk 3:13-14)


Few individuals in every generation are called to follow the Lord up the mountain. Why the mountain top? The mountain top is a reserved environment;only very few individuals can make it there. It is not a place for the crowd, but for individuals who mean serious business. Secondly, the mount
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The primary goal of a leader is not to create a victim mindset in people, but to destroy it. Leaders were supposed to lift people from a victim mindset and lifestyle into a life of freedom, maturity and responsibility. I saw this in the life and ministry of Christ; those who came to him as victims, didn't live perpetually as victims. They were lifted out of their victim mindset and lifestyle and given a greater sense of purpose to live for. Peter, James, John, Mary Magdalene and countless others

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Built to Last!!!

What does it take to have an enduring legacy that inspires present and future generations?  A legacy that continues to inspire lives after two thousand years and beyond, which death is not the end, but the beginning of several “testaments “of the richest of God's grace manifested via a human vessel?  It's time we stop the quick-fix approach, which has brought us reproach. It's time for the long haul! It's time to build to last!

Let’s begin the journey!

For thou, O God, hast proved us: thou hast

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(What Many Are Not Told In Church)

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and ""sold all he had"" and bought that field. (Matt 13:44)

"For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth." The truth has no substitute; it's either the truth or nothing else. If 2 + 2 = 4, prayers and fasting can't change the formula to give us five instead of four.  

Like Apostle Paul, who was so passionate for the salvation

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Having a loaded gun is not necessarily a command to shoot. To have an excellent idea is not a call to action. Having good communication ability is not an invitation for a public speaking career. To preach is not necessarily an indication of a call to the ministry. A good voice is not a call to a music career, and to write a good book is not the permit to publish it.

The immature can't handle potential, to them; having a loaded gun is a call to shoot. Having a good idea is an immediate call for a

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After Salvation, this is the next most important experience. "The Eyes Of Your Understanding Being Enlightened." In fact, every other breakthrough in the kingdom of God depends on it. When one's walk with the Lord lacks the above experience, it would be tantamount to religious darkness.The kingdom of God is not a religious kingdom, but a kingdom of light. It isn't about activities, but walking in the spirit of wisdom and revelation, which births' quality in one's experience and walk with God.


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You Can Be A Nation Builder



You can't rise above your knowledge of the word of God. Ignorance of the word is the greatest ignorance of man. Dr. Etta

Dr.Benard Etta ministering during "Unveiling the 21st Century Church" conference Chicago Illinois USA 2013

Dr.Benard Etta speaking to Gospel ministers in Asaba Nigeria 2011

Dr.Benard Etta Speaking to Leaders @ Voice of Freedom Benin City, Nigeria 2011

Dr.Benard Etta on missions to Dallas Texas 2013.

Dr.Benard Etta & Dr.Madhu Krishan from India during GFC World Congress Douala Cameroon


He called the Light Day. Genesis 1:5a

In God's perspective, a day is only justified by its light. That's why, Christ said, we should ask for our daily bread. The bread he was referring to was something deeper than physical food; it is the light (revelation and understanding) that goes with each day.

You can't survive on yesterday's light, today, which is the major reason why most institutions, churches, and organizations lose their relevance with time.

Operating with the light of yesterday in a new day is the major reason behind the decay in several quarters of Christendom.

Jesus wept over Jerusalem because they didn't know the time of their visitation. The light of the world walked through their streets, but their religious blindness made them miss such a glorious era.

I'm weeping for this generation, "And this is the condemnation, that light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil." John 3:19.

I pray you seek the light for this era!

Sometimes, it may require personal consecration to God and thorough mentorship under those entrusted with the light of a given dispensation.

"Religion" hates to hear this kind of truth, but we won't close our mouths nor drop down our pens until the light of the truth sweeps all across this dark world. Help us, God! DrBenard Etta

He Called the Darkness Night! Gen 1:5b


Physical things are weak illustrations of life realities. We are either walking in the “Day” or “Night” and the difference is light.

The difference between day and night is not time, but light. An entire generation can grope in the dark and live their experience in the night if they lack light (Illumination).

We are in the 21st-Century, and while there is a small group of people dotted around the world who are walking in the light of this day (21st Century), it is just unfortunate that millions of people living in this same era are walking in darkness and living the reality of the night.

An entire denomination, nation, and generation could walk in gross darkness even under the brightest sunlight. Thank God for sunlight, but its impact is merely physical. There is another light; divine light, the light of the revelation of Christ as the truth. That's the highest light!

It doesn't make people merely religious; it upgrades their knowledge and understanding and gives them access to “heavenly civilization” for early manifestation. That's why, just going to church alone isn't enough, there is light available if we press on to know the one who is Light, and in him is no darkness at all.

It is his light given to a generation that births their day. He called the Light Day!

Very soon, the power of his Light will lighten this age through his luminaries. I see a new day on the horizon; it's coming!

Don't get lost in baseless “religiosity,” disconnect to connect. Ponder to be a wonder!DrBenard Etta

The Word Of God Contains All The Vital Principles For Birthing A New Civilization!

The world within the word of God is the only realm without deficiencies; its sufficiency can make up for our deficiencies in all areas of our lives and spheres of strategic importance. Apart from salvation from sin, sicknesses, curses, and demonic oppression, the ‘world within the word offers breakthrough knowledge, ideas, strategy, inventions, creations, and innovative insights, capable of propelling advanced progress in the Politico-Socio-Economic-Cultural and Scientific arenas. The word of God contains all the vital principles for the birthing of a new civilization, in virtually all areas and spheres of life. It takes insight to see this possibility.

There is much more to our existence on planet Earth than mere survival. I said in Chicago last year during my mentorship program that the highly celebrated "American Dream" of a house, car, and others is the highest form of poverty if it becomes all one lives for.


Dr,Benard Etta Speaking during Beltville Maryland Mentor-ship Conference 2014



1) It is a heavenly vision for such a time as this, packaged with timely and relevant revelation knowledge to equip the saints for extraordinary effectiveness and impact in establishing God's kingdom and His will on earth as it is in heaven in the lives of people and all facets of society in the 21st century.

2) The courses are not borrowed, but downloaded from the mind of God, and uniquely designed for 21st-century passionate, curious, and inquisitive kingdom ambassadors, whose search for God and truth can't be satisfied by baseless proclamations and religious rhetoric. Presently, I don't know of any school of ministry with the courses in the GFCSM online school program. This is what leadership is about; opening new frontiers and refusing to lead from behind.

3) GFCSM doesn't only educate and equip those called into the five-fold ministry but has an extensive vision and resources to equip marketplace leaders from all walks of life.

4) GFCSM is a pace-setting kingdom mandate for the 21st-century church. By the providence of the Almighty God, GFCSM is one of the very few schools of ministry with sound biblical revelations, which you would rarely come across cheaply.

If Jesus Christ said, he was not the light of the world, he would have been telling a lie. If we say GFCSM isn't a pace-setting and groundbreaking 21st-century revolutionary Christian leadership vision, we would simply be telling a lie.

This isn't cheap publicity, but undeniable facts. Jesus wept over Jerusalem for not knowing the time of her visitation.

A new move of God is on the horizon, don't miss out.

Join this chariot now! Enroll now! DrBenard Etta 


Dr.Benard Etta speaking in Tulsa Oklahoma 2014

Religion is like a virus!

Religion is like a virus; it attacks basic common sense and prudence. It is a baseless and senseless pursuit of God due to inadequate divine illumination. Deliverance from religion is the fundamental requirement in accessing the Divine.

It's interesting to note that, those who crucified Christ were religious people. Why? Christ was a threat to their religious domination, manipulation, and control of the masses.

If Christ returns to earth today, religious people would still seek to kill him. Religion is the most vicious enemy of humankind.

The world is divided between a minority who truly know God and a majority of religious people who believe in God but don't know Him.

Where do you belong?


Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom. Col 3:16a